True Story 2........

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This happened when I was visiting some relatives in Virginia. We were all standing in the living room, when my uncle starts telling us about this ghost that he thinks is following him around. Now keep in mind that it was VERY late, so him telling that story at that particular time was creepy enough, but what happened further in the story terrified me. He was telling us how the ghost would make sounds, slam doors, all the cliche ghost shit. Well, he he started telling us about one time when he thought he saw the ghost. I asked him, "What did he look like uncle John?" He was about to reply when we heard a crash, followed by the sound of glass moving around on the floor. 

We all jumped and ran to the kitchen, where we thought the sound came from. I was the first one in. I stepped forward and almost stepped on a shard of glass. I looked up to where we kept the glasses and every glass from the second row was lifting up and dropping on the floor. I screamed. My uncle picked me up and carried me out the house so I wouldn't get hurt. I was 5 then, that was 8 years ago. I don't know who the 'ghost' was or why it shattered the glasses, but what I do know is that ever since then, I never felt alone in that house.

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