Law in lawless universe(harry potter)

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Second-I read a lot of fics about marriage law and it started to get anoying. It was like nobody really cared about being forced into it, except for Hermione and sometimes Harry. So I was thinking and thinking, and believe me, it hurt. What you have to know is Salazar S. and Godrik G. are indeed alive and not happy about marriage law at all. Other shall be explained later.

Third- this is fifth book... Why? Voldy needed to live and I highly dislike book number six.

Wizarding word, or if we want to speak more exactly, Fudge- current minister of magik was proud to say that new marriage law was a huge success. Except for few annoying cases, nobody dared to say anything againts it. To make this day even better, his favourite person at the moment, Dolores Umbridge, assured him that she had everything under control. Yes, life was good.

„Minister! We have problems" Fudge glared at the intruder, whose name he never bothered to learn.

„What problems? Did Potter hallucinated again? Just write some article..."

„No no. With marriage law. Remember house Somewhere 01?" Fudge nodded. Two men lived in the house Somewhere 01. Both unmarried of course and what was worse, not responding to any letters about marriage. They and Severus Snape were the worst cases.

„What about them?"

„Well, we send some wizards to take them to the ministry, but they basically ran from there! With hallucinations!"

„What hallucinations?"

Man whose name Fudge never bothered to learn deeply inhaled „They saw werewolf I middle of day playing with Bengal tiger." After some time, when minister preceded new information he send wizards to hospital and personally started to write letter to Somewhere 01. Yes, and he had to drag Snape to the ministry too. That man just had to get married!

..........ho ho ho ............... ho ho ho............... ho ho ho............

Salazar Slitherin was patient man. He liked snakes, werewolves and quiet. Somethimes, when he had time, you could find him just lying around watching Godrik's aligators tear apart meat or laugthing maniacally when cooking something that was once alive. Yes, he was quite normal.

After living with Godric Griffindor for more than 1 000 years nearly nothing could get him mad. He had seen it all. Some may ask, how come he and Godric still lived? Well answer was quite easy. One day he was just mixing potions around, only to see what will happen when Godric decided to visit riding broom and knock all vials down. They both ended very much swimming in mixture potions. At first it looked like nothing happened, but when Rowena died of old age and they still looked young something started to tell him, it is not all rght.

Currently was Salazar contently watchng his werevolf, who was once a man verry willing to try his new potion play with Godric Tiger. What a cute couple they made. Always fighting.

Salazar's easy and nice afternoon would continue if, suddenly, owl didn't drop a letter on his head.

„This time from minister personally?" Salazar, nor Godric, who was currently on adventure to African shaman never actually read these letters, as they didn't feel like part of magik society. But, this one was from minister personaly....

Salazar opened letter. And saw red

......... ho ho ho.......... H ho ho......... ho ho ho..........ho ho ho .......

Godric watched shaman dance around prepared to fight unseen ghost. Even if Godric couldn't see them, he certainly could try to fight them. Even if half of muggle society told him that shaman is just senile.

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