3. Surprise, Asshole.

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"Yes Ashton, mom. And Lauren too if you just take a look around the room first." My sister Lauren says and I snap my head in the direction of her voice.

I didn't notice her there.


"Didn't think we'd let you runaway that easy, did ya, Ash?" Lauren says with a smirk plastered to her face.

I roll my eyes at my younger sister, I've been doing that a lot lately.

Rolling my eyes I mean.

It's a habit I must have picked up from Matthew. And oh, the smirk he'd be wearing now if he saw me doing exactly what I'm always telling him not to do.

"Mom, Lauren? Wh-what are you guys doing here? Where's Harry? And no, no I wasn't going to runaway, I was actually going to be on my way to you guys." I say shock laced with my words and absolutely no air.

"Wow, breathe Ashton baby, you're gonna choke to death..." my mother says getting up off the seat and walking towards me, finally she says something.

"Yea Ash, don't be nervous, it's just mom." Lauren states with obvious amusement.

It's clear she knows exactly how worried I feel due to the small argument my mother and I had a couple of months back. Before I left for tour. I mean like right before.

Like to the airport before.

I honestly don't want to do that again though, I hated it. And I especially hated the way I felt afterwards, because getting on plane that's about to take you halfway across the world is not a good thing to do if you plan on saying horrible words to somebody that means a lot to you before getting on that plane.

Especially if that somebody is your mother.

However, it's clear to me that all is forgotten when my mom pulls me into an embrace that's so tight, but not tight enough to kill me, so warm, but not warm enough to smother me and so right.

"Hello, sweetie. Welcome home." My mom says pulling away from me.

Lauren jumps up from her seat on my couch and gives me a gut wrenching hug, the complete opposite to my mother but somehow still the same amount of love.

"So where's Harry," I say again, once Lauren finally releases me from her deathly grip.

"Over here dipshit," I look to my left to see my little brother exiting my mini bathroom.

"Harry! Language!" My mother scolds before turning to face me again with a frown on her face, "Sorry Ashy, my boy, it's school. Apparently the children in his classes have no discipline..." she says sighing.

"It's fine, mom"

"Oh I'm just glad to have you home,"

"I'm glad to be home," I say wrapping my arms around her as she goes to give me a hug.

"Yea, finally." I hear Lauren mutter as two slender arms wrap themselves around my waist.

And not long after, I feel two more arms wrapping around me and it doesn't take much to know it's Harry, "Even if it is for a short while." He mumbles into my shoulder blade.

When did he get this tall?

"I missed you Ashton, why do you always have to go." And if Harry 's voice didn't crack or his face wasn't pressed so tightly to my stomach, I probably wouldn't have felt or known that he was crying.

This is enough for me to pull away from my sister and my mother's arms, and their frowns show that they understand.

I turn to my baby brother before pulling him into another hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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