Day Eighteen/Nineteen - 12.12.2017

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What I love about poetry
Is that it can be short
And sweet.
Details spoke quickly,
But impactful.
The struggle I have
With trying to write a story
In the usual written way,
Is that it always seems like it would take forever,
When with poetry;
I can be done in a day.
Though with stories I've written
In the form of poetry,
They took me years to finish
For all the editing and rewriting,
But the usual way of writing
Always seems more strenuous
And more time consuming.
To be fair,
It'd probably take me the same amount of time,
But I particularly like poetry
Because my brain always wants me to write down
Every single description and thing that may occur,
But with poetry,
It gives my brain an excuse
To keep it as simple
Or complicated
As it wants.

5:00pm 12.12.2017

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