Good Hearted Boys

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Barry Allen POV

     Bruce and I waited patiently for the two boys. When they walked through the door I was shocked. Wally looked so different from when I last saw him. Last I saw he was ten, now he's barely seventeen. "Wally," I said and took a step forward. He looked at me confused, "Who are you?" The other boy, Dick Grayson, took a step in front of Wally. It almost made me smile that the boy was willing to protect my nephew but...Wally didn't recognize me. "It's me, Barry. I'm your uncle," I said. His eyes widened tremendously and he backed up further, "You're lying. I don't believe you." The younger boy's eyes grew twice as cold as he glared at me. "Please, I swear it's..." I began protesting but he stopped me. "Really? If you're telling the truth then where the FUCK have you been the past seven years!?" Wally yelled.

     Bruce and I had to carefully explain what took so long to find them. After a little while everything focused on Dick and Bruce. The boy looked up at him and squinted slightly, "You paid for their funerals." Damn, the kid has awesome memory. "Yes, I did," Bruce said, "My name is..." The boy interrupted, "Bruce Wayne. I wouldn't forget the man that gave my family a proper burial. Thank you." The boy hugged Bruce.

Bruce Wayne POV

     I was stunned. There was no way I could have expected to be greeted with such emotional, good hearted boys straight out of the detention center after seven years. "So why are you here?" Dick asked. Ahh, right, the entire point of this. "Richard, I would like to adopt you. Give you a life and family," I said kindly. Barry smiled at Wally, "And I would like to adopt you Wally. I'm sorry it took so long and I might only get to be here for you for another year but...I want to take care of you." Wally and Dick glanced at each other before nodding in sinc. "We will start the paperwork and of course it will be very hard to get you two caught up in school," I said a bit worried. The woman at the desk waved at me, "Oh, but I've had them enrolled in online school since they got here. I knew when they got out they would have difficulty adjusting but I didn't want this to be another problem they had to deal with. I can file your their transcripts Mr. Wayne. Very intelligent young boys."


     Once paperwork was filled out Bruce and Barry stepped aside. "So, the boys appear to be extremely close. We might want to keep them together for a little while before splitting up. They can of course stay in contact and visit each other as much as they want but for now why don't you and Wally stay at the Manor?" Bruce suggested. Meanwhile the boys were looking out the window. "Is that the sun?" Dick asked Wally. Wally nodded, "Yeah, that's the sun baby. And the sky. Wow." Once Bruce and Barry finished talking they turned to see the two boys with their faces nearly pressed against the glass. The two boys were so amazed at just the cloud covered image of the sun through the dirty glass window that it broke the older men's hearts.

     "Come boys, lets go get in the car," Bruce said. Bruce watched Dick cautiously. It seemed Dick, as he was younger than Wally, would have even less knowledge of the real world. For some strange reason though, it appeared they both had equal understanding. He walked slowly so to allow the boys to gawk at everything and take in the new suroundings. "Hello, I am Alfred," Alfred introduced himself. The boys flinched a bit at his sudden appearance. "I'm Dick and this is Wally," the boy introduced politely despite the initial scare Alfred had given him.
     Once the car reached the manor the two boys were starstruck. It was huge, probably twice the size of the detention center in general. Alfred led both boys inside and to two rooms conveniently side by side. He noticed something the other two adults had not.
Alfred POV
     I watched the boys as they walked to my right. Wallace always walked a few inches in front of Richard as if preparing to defend him. Richard always walked close to Wallace so that their shoulders were talking. They'd clench their fists and wiggle their fingers to give accidental excuses to touch hands. Both would steal glances at each other and would always get caught and end up just looking into their eyes for a minute. I directed them each into a room and told them to get some rest. "Master Bruce and Mister Allen will see you in the morning, get some rest boys," Alfred said.

Good Hearted Boys

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