Chapter 1

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Dan's P.O.V

It was the day I'd been dreading all summer: the first day of my last year of high school.
I mean, yeah sure, you're probably saying to yourself, "Dan, you should be happy and excited that your school years are almost over an that you're getting ready for your future (unless I go to university but lets be real, I don't think I'll be doing that)." But keyword, 'almost.' 'Almost' means that I have to spend another year in this crappy hellhole watching everyone aggressively consuming each other's faces in a sign of affection called 'making out.' I never really understood the whole 'high school dating' thing. You're only 18 at the most. Do you really think that this is going to last? It's only going to end in heartbreak.

I shake my head in realization that I'm ranting to myself again. An old habit that I still haven't managed to break. In the back of my head I knew that the reason I was so bitter about all of this is jealousy. No one has ever liked me or asked me out. I mean, why would they? I'm just boring old, brown eyed Dan. There was nothing special about me.

I break these thoughts that I started to form again when I reach the door to my first class of this doomed year. It was history. I've always hated history. What's the point of learning about all the people in the past? They're all dead anyway, and soon we will be too. Then kids will be forced to learn about us and die, and people will be forced to learn about them. It's a viscous cycle.

I enter the classroom full of familiar faces. I really hate this school and the people here. But I decided there's no backing out now so I continued into the room and found an available seat in the back corner. I was scrolling through Twitter on my phone waiting for the bell saying class had started to ring. Then walks in Jake Pierce. That took my mood from about a 7 to a solid 3. Pierce was the school dick, to put it bluntly. All though it was never actually said, we all knew no one actually likes him, not even his little posse that follows him around everywhere. They only hang out with him to maintain their ranking on the social ladder. The only people that seem to actually like him are the school sluts. Apparently they see something in him they classify as "hot" and "sexy". he's obviously just a player and has slept with every girl in this school with breast bigger than his brain,which isn't very big, just to put that out there. He trotted in with, surprisingly, a binder in his hand and plonks in a seat along the far edge  great. Now I have to deal with him first thing in the morning all year.

  After the bell indicating first hour was over rang, I got up and rushed out of the classroom avoiding as much human interaction as possible. The hallway was hot, crammed and stenched of a familiar smell of a mixture of unhygienic teenager B.O, cleaning chemicals sourcing from the janitor's closet and crappy air fresheners sprayed by teachers trying to cover all of these smells which honestly doesn't smell much better than the original odor it was trying to replenish- I suddenly look up to an unfamiliar face walking the opposite direction as me in the sea of familiar faces. He has deep black, long, shaggy hair framing his face. That must be a new kid I thought to myself. I'm one of those observant kids. Ya know the ones that's been here their whole life and everyone knows me and I know them but have never actually talked to them,im just kinda there. Even as I continued walking and the tall figure recedes from my vision, thoughts of curiosity linger in my mind



This is a super old draft that i decided to post and I have no idea where its going so it'll probably flop so yeah. Thank you for reading. I promise it'll hopefully get a lil better

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