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I am a hit man. 

I don't really know how my life strayed down this path. It could have been desperation, the want to be different, or just the thrill of breaking the law. 

Sighing, I finish of my cookie, my internal monologue coming to a stop. 

I have a job to do. 

I repeat the information I needed in my head again.


A bit pale. 

Black hair. 

Around 5'1. 

Night owl, but sleeps deeply.  

My client told me to visit the receiver of my services around two am, when he would be sound asleep. Great. A morning kill.

I never liked those. 

"Would you like anything else?" 

I jump, looking up at the speaker. Just the waiter. 

"No thank you," I respond. He smiles at me, dark eyes glittering with anger. 

He wasn't hiding the fact that he hated his job very well. 

"Ok then! Enjoy the rest of your day, and make sure to swing by the Olympian Café again soon!" 

I ignore his words, walking out of the blindingly yellow building. The streets are loud, overloading my senses. 

I have another job to do. A less interesting job. 

After walking for a couple more minutes, I arrive at my destination. 

Rocky Road Ice Cream Parlor. 


AN: Hopefully I'll make another chapter soon. This was a stupid time to write one, since I have an important project due in two days. 

I wrote the plot for a new Solangelo story, and I hope you like depressing stories, because this one sure is one. I wrote this chapter randomly, going wherever my hands and keyboard took me. 

Sorry for making it so short. 

AN: Hello! I haven't updated this in six months, as of tomorrow. Honestly, I'm more of a drawer (always found that word weird) than a writer. Will I continue this? Well... I don't want too. But I want to write a new story. Because this is shit. 

I suck at writing with characters that aren't my own. I can't get their personalities right. Hecc, I have trouble with my own. So whatever I write is pretty out of character. Which sucks. 

I hate reading my own writing. But other people seem to kinda like it, so I'll write some more fanfiction. 

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