I Believe I Can Touch the Sky (Part 2)

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I shower quickly, without soap, cause I forgot it and don't feel like getting out. 

I grab myself some toast and hurry out the door. 

...shit, I forgot the cream cheese. 

Oh well. Dry toast will do. 


I regret everything. 

I pull my phone out, idly checking the time. 




Well, I made it to the arcade. I'm cold and my hair looks like shit, but I made it!

Laser tag. Piper. Other peeps. No children. 

N i c e . 

Oh look, there's Percy! 

He's with his soulmate too. 


"Hey Perce, hey Annabeth!" I say cheerfully.

They wave me over. 

I bound over, then-

My wings slap someone in the face. 


"Aw shit man, sorry! Didn't see you there!" 

My victim looks up at me. 

Wowie. He's short. 

Oh, he's glaring! Guess I said that out loud. 

He walks away without another word. 

...right to Percy and Annabeth. 

And Leo. And Jason. And Piper. And Reyna. And...

...wow. A lot of people came. 

Laser tag is fucking awesome, can't blame them. 

Why am I staring at my friends again? 

I walk over to them, my predicament momentarily forgotten. 

Shortie's staring at me. He doesn't look offended anymore. 

I stare back. He squints, then looks away. 

Hm. Wonder why. 

"Will! You finally showed up!" Piper says to me. I smile sheepishly. 

"Sorry, I had a late start."

She frowns, but decides not to push it any further. 

"Anyway," she says, "this is Nico. I don't think you've met him before."

Well- my wing's been acquainted with his face, so that's something. 

"Sup dude."

"...Hey..." he responds. Then shor- Nico- goes back to scrolling through his phone. 

"He's not very social, sorry." 

Nico snorts, mumbles something under his breath, all without pausing in his scrolling. 


Why am I still staring at him? 

I frown, then go to lean against the wall. 

My gaze ends up drifting back to Nico. 

I freeze. At this angle, I can see his back. 

Black wings. 

One of them dotted with golden feath-

"Hey, everyone made it!" Percy announces. "Lets go pay! How many rounds are we playing?" 

I leap to my feet, then go to follow everyone else to the counter. 

Nico's wings are temporarily forgotten. 

AN: The formatting of this is weird as hell but whatever. I kind of wrote it like a free verse poem? I don't really know why. It just happened. 

Hope you somewhat liked it, I guess! 

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