Chapter 2 :D

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A/N this chapter made me so freaking hungry...ugh. 

And guise, I don't know what kind of music Harry likes (besides the Ramones...) so don't hate me xD

I wish I was one of those girls who doesn't really care if the person who asks her out is someone she's had fantasies about, someone so famous if he even looks at someone, it's all over the world in three seconds flat. But I'm not. I care, I worry, I freak out. 

But not by what most people would be worried about...I worried that he might ask for my twitter, that he would find my blog. I think I would die of embarrassment if he ever saw it, if any of them saw it. I don't exactly keep to the normal pictures of them; if they look like idiots and I think of a good caption, it goes on my blog. 

"So, black heels or converse?" Angel held up a pair of ankle boots, then my converse.

Valerie stared at them intensely, thinking about my outfit and then about where we were going.


She leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. Angel looked surprised, lap filled with shoes and accessories.

"Really? Why?"

Valerie shrugged, and then held up my tank-top.

"It's casual--she's not going clubbing. The only thing to really do around here is go to the mall...or the movies. So why should she be uncomfortable? And besides, she said no heels."

Angel sighed.

"That's true."

"So....bedtime!" I hollered, scrambling for the bed.

We had a race every time they stayed over; whoever got to the bed first slept on it.

I won.


Next day.

I stood outside the Jimmy's Egg, shifting my weight from foot to foot and glancing at my phone. My heart felt like it was going to pound it's way out of my chest and run down the street...something I kind of wanted to do. When my phone rang, I didn't hesitate to answer it, just to look busy.

"Hey Rach, it's moi." Angel giggled.

"What do you need?" I groaned.

I was going to the mall--she obviously wanted something.

"Nothing, just wanted to let you know Harry's there...he looks mighty fine too." 

My heart skipped a beat.

"How do you know?"

"We can see him, of course. We wanted to make sure this date went well...and that you didn't take him to like McDonald's or something."

"McDonald's is cheap! I like their fries." I defended, pretending not to search for a head of curls.

"Yeah, but he's not going to want to eat there; take him to the Cheesecake Factory or something."

I tugged on a curl, walking back and forth in front of the Jimmy's Egg.

"But if we go there, then I'll get the cheesecake. You know how I am with the cheesecake." 

A sigh.

"That's true. Well, give him options. If he wants to go there, take him there...and warn him." 

I laughed.

"Okay, but--" someone tapped me on my shoulder, and I jumped. 

When I turned, Harry was smiling awkwardly at me, holding a bonquet of roses. I shut the phone on Angel's voice, shoving it in my back pocket. 

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