Me? Not Famous. My boyfriend? That's another story.

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A/N the clothes are in the comments xx

We'd managed to keep it a secret, keep it contained until we were sure that this was what we wanted. Of course, when he finally let our relationship out, it was more of a mistake than a planned unveiling.

My girlfriend @Rachel_Marks and I dancing to Ronnie xx

Like I said, it was more of a mistake...he wasn't paying attention when he posted it on twitter. But when the world saw the video, saw his words, it seemed like everything exploded.


4 weeks before 

I'm one of the tumblr fans--the girls who have no social life because they sit at the computer all day every day making new gifs, reblogging, watching videos, laughing at the weird facial expressions and the captions underneath. I don't really stalk them, though--going to the hotels they're staying at, following them when they leave, keeping track of every slight move they make. 

No, but I do know things pretty much when they happen; tumblr is like that. 

So when I heard they were doing a signing here in Oklahoma, I about fell out of my chair. It was supposed to be a surprise or something--but with tumblr, nothing is a secret.

The only problem was I didn't know when it was going to happen; just that it would. My friend and I were watching a movie when she got a text message--all of a sudden, she wanted to go get something from Wal-Mart. I rolled my eyes, but put my shoes on and grabbed the car keys. 

"Mom, I'm taking the car." I hollered down the hallway.


When we pulled up, I couldn't believe the amount of people standing around it. I turned to Angel.

"What the hell?" I asked her, arching my brow. 

"There's something I didn't tell you..." she started.

I gestured for her to continue.

"One Direction is going to be at this approximately 5 minutes." 

My eyes widened, and I opened my mouth, yet nothing but this high-pitched sound came out. I was squealing, and my friend covered her ears.

"Thank you for not telling me!" I grumbled, though I guess I should've known something was up; she was looking awfully nice for a day watching TV.

She just smiled, and the we got out of the car, pushing through the crowd to get to the the exact same time Harry Styles looked our way. He smiled and waved, then sat down, next to Louis of course. I shipped Larry, but when I saw Niall lean over and whisper in Zayn's ear, I nearly had a panic attack. They were too cute. 

The doors opened, and a guy stood holding a stick in his hand. I could barely contain my amusement: did he think a little stick was going to keep the fangirls away? He was crazy.

 "Sometimes I hate you." I whispered to Angel. 

She snorted a laugh.

"Yeah, I know. Now here, this is your CD."

She handed me the Up All Night CD, and a pen.

Just then big burly guys started hustling the crowd into some semblance of a line, with us not far from the front, but not close enough to really see them.

When my phone started ringing, Angel turned to glare at me. She hated my ringtone; Angel Eyes by Love and Theft. She couldn't stand country music, and despised the fact that I chose a song with her name in the title. I winked at her as I pulled it from my back pocket. 

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