Meeting Him

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"Slow down, Lyric, I have to carry all of my things in." David watched as his little girl ran excitedly to the doors of the base. She danced in place a little before turning to her father, "Daddy! Charles said they were bringing in the others today! People like me, daddy!"

Of course he could understand why his little girl was so excited. He followed Jones because he believed he would soon come into contact with other mutants, and he made well on that word. "I know, but you have to slow down a little for me." He smiled, looking around his boxes at his daughter.

As he made his way to the door, Lyric pulled it open, "And we remember the rules, right?" Her father questioned her as they walked to his office, "Be on my best behavior. Don't go in the forbidden rooms. Under no circumstances use my mutation to look beneath clothes."

It was a bit of a tease, Lyric having all of those shiny and untouchable doors in front of her, but she was never able to open or look through them. She understood though. There weren't many black men in the CIA, so she knew she had to put forward her best face so her father couldn't have anything else about him being different from his colleagues.

"Finally. You know, maybe as you get older, you'll be able to tap into super strength." The thought made Lyric laugh. Super strength, that'd be a hoot or two. Then she could carry everyone's stuff. Maybe she could even work with Charles and carry his stuff.

Thoughts of Charles made Lyric think about the new recruits again, "Can I go see them now? Please?" Lyric felt a desperate need to see these mutants, to finally be in a room full of people where she wouldn't be the odd woman out. David practically saw his daughter's excitement rolling off of her body in waves. With a sigh and a nod, he sent her on her way, but not before kissing her forehead.

If he was to be honest, he was a little nervous for Lyric to meet the new recruits. Even if they were mutants like her, who's to say they'd be as kind? Who's to say they wouldn't shoo her off and laugh at her questions? It's always a little scary for a father to let his little girl explore new things, but especially new things he has no idea about.

None of those worries were in Lyric's mind though. All she could think about was the freedom she was going to feel seeing with her own eyes that she truly was not alone. Well, she, Charles, Erik, Hank, and Raven.

Enhancing her hearing, Lyric could hear laughing. That wasn't a sound heard often, at least not in groups that big. Her little feet pushed her quicker towards the noise, and once she saw what she was running to, she released the breath she was holding.

It was just another room, but it seemed like a paradise. Just looking at them, she could tell they were like her, their bodies even smelled different. They were beautiful, and that was putting it lightly.

Lyric couldn't stop her eyes from racing back and forth. There was Raven, sitting beside Hank, Raven noticed the girl immediately and gestured for her to come inside. She loved spending time with Lyric, no one had ever looked up to her like she had.

The further Lyric got into the room, the more in awe she became. Across from Raven was not one, but two mutants of color. One man and one lady that Lyric reminded herself to speak to later. There was a charismatic red head with a chair to himself, laughing at something Raven said, and then there was him.

Immediately, as if he had a remote control connected to her feet, Lyric stopped and stared. He was a bit broody, but more than anything, he was gorgeous. Lyric had never seen anyone like him in her life. Short blond hair, strong posture, and he was looking right at her, embarrassingly enough.

When he spotted the girl just past the doorway, Alex immediately missed his little brother. He was a knucklehead, but he only had one brother, and despite what the young boy might pretend to think, he loved him more than anything.

He stood up from his chair and made his way over to Lyric, a smile on his face and all she could think was to make sure she didn't say anything silly. Once he got to Lyric, Alex kneeled until he was about her height, "Hi, I'm Alex." Just then, Lyric felt a bubble in her belly as if butterflies had decided to throw a party in there.

"My name is Lyric." She responded, completely awestruck by the person before her. Alex couldn't help but chuckle a bit. The little girl reminded him so much of his brother, he couldn't help but want to hug her, "How old are you, Lyric?" He asked her, thoughts of Scott flooding his mind, "I'm seven. Eight in ten days." Lyric answered very matter-of-fact, hoping to convey just how mature she could be. Whatever it took for Alex to like her.

Alex laughed again, "You know, I have a brother that's eight. You guys would be really good friends." Lyric couldn't contain her giggle, Alex had to have planned on being around her more if he was going to help her make a friend in his family.

"Come on, you wanna come sit with us?" Alex asked, leading her over without waiting on her answer. Lyric's skin felt as if it was sparkling, starting from the hand Alex held in his own to guide her.

Raven watched with a secret smile as Alex pulled a chair up beside his own for Lyric. He liked to act like he was all tough, but Raven knew he was actually a big softie, and that moment proved it.

As Lyric got comfortable, Raven smiled at her before addressing everyone, "Guys, we need to come up with codenames. We're government agents now, we need codenames."

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