Chapter 5.

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Marcel's POV

I hate how the other guys look at her. Like she's a piece of meat. She's not, she's a human who doesn't deserve this. "Marcel, Audrey, this is Zayn, Louis, and liam, my best mates." We heard a chorus of hi's and nice to meet you's. Audrey took a seat next to zayn? I think that's his name. And I took a seat next to liam? No Louis, yea Louis I was all into the game when I noticed the guys asking her questions, she seemed to love the attention. "Anyone want pizza?" niall's older brother asked as he walked in "yassssss!" niall yelled, jumped up and started dancing we all busted out laughing because he was so excited for food, I've never seen anyone that excited for pizza. "This game is driving me insane, it's so boring" Audrey exclaimed "come one boys let's do something exciting" she winked, and they all jumped up "like what?" niall asked while shoving his face with greasy pepperoni pizza, "let's go swimming" Louis shouted. I've never heard someone yell so much it was annoying. I was honestly getting annoyed by all of them so I got up and made my way to the door, no one even noticed walking out until I heard a booming voice "hey dude where are you going?" it was Greg "umm I have to go family emergency."i shrugged, he nodded in an understanding manner. I walked out,but remember I didn't drive, I knew the busses ran close to hear so I walked to the nearest bus stop to wait for a bus to take me home. I waited about 10 minutes and the bus showed up, I sat down next to an old woman who seemed very nice, I was lost in thought about Audrey when she tapped my shoulder "excuse me sonny, but why are you so sad?" She looked concerned like she knew me my whole life "I..umm.. I like someone who will never like me back.."I looked away, I was ashamed..embarassed "oh, I understand I've been through that before, I hated it." I looked at her "really?" she smiled and I noticed she was missing some teeth "my husband used to be my best friend, I thought he'd never like me, but I made a move one day and we fell in love, we've been together for 67 years growing stronger everyday." She smiled at the thought of her and her husband, it was sweet I smiled at her and said "I want that with Audrey, she's the one, I know it." "then what are you doing on this bus? go get the girl you love, I can see it in your eyes, you love her lots. she's one lucky girl." I laughed and decided to get off at the next bus stop. I got off and waved at the old woman with great advice, the bus stop I got off at was about half a mile away from my house so I walked to my house to get my car. I got in the car and thought about what I was gonna say, Man I hope she likes me back, she's just so beautiful and I'd do anything to make her mine. I was driving towards niall's house when I passed a park that was close to his house, that's when my heart broke. I saw them, Audrey and niall hugging..and he did the unexpected he kissed her. The other boys were around laughing and clapping. My heart shattered into a million pieces, my chest tightened and I couldn't breathe.. I had to get out of there, I drove away as fast as I could, I knew she'd never like me, she likes niall, not me... I didn't even notice I was crying until my vision became blurry. I got to my house ran and upstairs and did something I haven't done in awhile. I got my guitar out of my closet and played a few strings. I used to write songs when I was depressed, music saved my life. my mom says I sing really good but I don't think so. I started to write a song

"He takes your hands, I die a little

I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles

Why can't you look at me like that?

When you walk by I try to say it but then I freeze and never do it my tongue gets tied the words get trapped..." I couldn't finish the song, I've never felt so hurt before.. why? why did I feel this way about her. I've known for a week and I'm head over heels for her..I can't be feeling this way over her. I'm going to change my ways , I'm not go be be clingy or texting her 24/7 I'll wait for to text me. I mean how long could it take?

AN; I know "I wish" is super fetus but it fit the perfect song for this situation. What do you think marcel should do? Wait it out or tell her straight up?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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