Chapter Three

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The sound of rocks at the front door jarred Callisto from her restless sleep and she deeply sighed when she recognized the shouts and wild cackles. The group of Praesidium tween boys did this on a nearly daily basis, though the activities did switch around from time to time. This round they were chucking rocks they had found around the base of the tree trunks, playing a game of points to see who could cause the most damage. There was a loud crash followed by the thud of the stone on the wall and the tinkling of glass as the shattered pieces clattered to the floor.

"Sweet! Bonus points for Creol!" Callisto pushed up from her rickety bed and moved out to the door, stepping around the shattered glass on the maple wood floors. Opening the doors, Callisto was knocked right above the eyebrow on her right temple. Blood seeped down into her eye and she fought to see through the red liquid.

"Run! The alien is coming!" The boys turned to run, their leader- a boy who was mixed with the genes of a barn owl so he had snowy white wings and tail feathers along with the clawed feet and a beaked nose to hint at the sharp ones of the aforementioned predatory bird- smacked into the wide chest of Deimos. His dark eyes glared down at the wide-eyed tween and his gang of troublemakers.

"Morning, Deimos." The tall boy lowly growled and lifted the left side of his muzzle to expose his lupine teeth.

"Helix. What brings you boys so far from the village?" He quickly scanned the rest of the boys over before focusing down on Helix once more. The mentioned boy smoothed out his ruffled wing feathers before smirking up at the humanoid canine.

"Just having some fun, is all. Why are you out here, Dumbo Deimos? Come to see your alien girlfriend? Makes sense that the weirdos of the village would get together." Deimos' growl grew louder and lower the longer Helix talked until he slipped the push dagger pendant from his necklace and pressed the sharp tip against the young male's throat.

"Say one more word, Helix, I dare you. I will skin you and feed you your own intestines before leaving what's left of you for the Cordis Diaboli and maybe even the Mors Magna." Helix froze in fear and his eyes pancake out to nearly inhuman sizes at the mention of those dreaded beasts.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me. Now get lost, Helix and don't ever think of coming back." Helix frightfully nodded and the group of troublemakers vanished form sight to make an escape for the village and safety. Deimos sighed and looked to see Callisto wiping at her eye with the hem of her shirt, his brown eyes landing on her labyrinth of disgusting scars crisscrossing her stomach and extending over her sides towards her back. She really did survive the Mors Magna.

"I'm sorry for Helix and his friends, they're usually fairly harmless. Are you alright?" Callisto dropped her shirt hem and nodded, blood running in rivulet down her cheek and off her jawline. "Do you have bandages inside? That may need stitches." The blue haired female nodded again and moved back into her home, leaving the door open as an invitation to enter. He stepped into the hut and his eyes scanned the rather bare living room. There was simple furniture left behind by the ones who lived here before she.

"I'm in the kitchen, Deimos." He followed her voice into the similarly bare room. Callisto was hovering over the sink so the blood ran into the bowl and down the drain.

"Bandages and such are in the cabinet to your right." She waved in the general direction of the maple cabinets and the teen dug through them to find the proper equipment he needed to patch the female up. Once he had everything, Deimos moved to stand beside Callisto so he could clean and stitch her wound.

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