Chapter Seventeen

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"For them? They do not matter in this universe, it's survival of the superior and there is none on this planet more so than me! I am Director Striker of Earth, and this world will be mine to conquer." They attacked in perfect unison, chakram edge screaming along the side of katana blade. As Callisto sliced open the skin of his chest the man bit down on her uninjured trapezius, injecting venom deep into her blood like a shot from a needle. The blue mutant reared away from the bite, snapping one of his fangs off in her skin with the sharp movement.

"You could be the king of the cosmos and that still wouldn't give you the right to end an entire civilization just because you don't like them. Our ancestors lived that way and look where it got us, living on the dying breaths of a planet that's falling apart at the seams. We became monsters just to survive." The two battled and raged back and forth for what felt like a stretched eternity before they broke apart to catch their breaths. Callisto's vision was beginning to tinge black at the edges as dots danced across the clearing and Striker. Her heart was pounding and it felt like her blood was thickening into a viscous acid in her veins.

"Starting to feel the effects I see. With all that prideful nonsense you'll die in agony thanks to my venom and your weakness." Striker opened his arms wide to indicate the entire planet around them. "This will soon all belong to me and you will die with that knowledge eating at you like the worms soon will!" Blood flew as metal cut through bone and sinew with a loud crack followed by the low hiss of oxygen dissipating from their lungs.

"You're right, Striker, I will die here. But guess what?" Callisto ripped her katana from his chest before staggering backwards a few feet to drop to her knees. Time slowed for them as the Director looked down to watch his own blood bubble up from the wound to his heart to stain his golden suit a dark crimson. The same liquid gurgled up his throat and over his lips as he mirrored Callisto's kneeling position.

"I'm taking you with me. Welcome to Praesidium." Director Striker pawed at his chest in a weak attempt to stop the blood flow, but could only watch as his vision faded to black around the smirking expression of Callisto of the Scout Regiment. When the Director's body thudded to the ground, it had the effect of a gunshot in the silence of a church. Every soldier left fighting instantly paused and jerked around to see him crumble. The warriors of Praesidium watched in confusion as the silver pawns jolted around almost simultaneously before freezing like glittering statues.

"Director Striker has been killed! Everyone retreat!" A voice rang through the clearing and sent the army of Earth running back to their ships. The warriors of Praesidium chased them to their escape with whoops and hollers and cheers of triumph.

The war for Praesidium has ended.

Europa and Deimos roared in wild elation with their people before canine realized that Callisto was not amongst the celebratory citizens who had been joined by the children and elders hidden at the canopy village.

"Where's Callisto? She should be celebrating with us. This was her war just as much as it was ours." The fishy female shrugged and the duo worked their way through the crowd as they called for their friend. Deimos made a swift circle to see if maybe she was sticking to the trees, she was never properly and completely accepted back into the village society after all.

His heart slammed against his chest when he spotted her vibrant blue hair laying splayed in the bloodstained grass of her and Director Striker's battlefield. She wasn't moving. He called for Europa and Hydra as he raced to her side, gently rolling her on her back.

There was a disturbing amount of gashes, all deep and bubbling with crimson blood that gurgled forth with every gasping breath she forced into her stiffening lungs. Europa and Hydra reaches them with Ursa quickly tailing them. Deimos' doe brown orbs lifted to the elderly snake woman pitifully and imploring for a glimmer of hope.

"You can help her, right? Hydra?" As much as they wished it to be that easy, deep down they all knew that it wasn't going to end like they wanted. Callisto was dying in his arms.

"It's okay Deimos. We won, everyone will be safe now." Blood clogged her throat then spilled out of the corners of her lips to run across her cheeks and into her hair, staining bits and streaks purple and magenta hues.

"You fought the hardest for us, you should see us into the future. We need you."

"Not anymore. I'm a soldier, and that's what you all were needing. But the fight is over, my time here is finished. So I'm giving my leadership to you and Europa." Deimos vehemently shook his head no, like his refusal of her offer would anchor her and make her stay. He didn't want his best friend to miss out on the life she fought so tirelessly for. But he knew she was tired, her mind now matched her war torn and scarred and exhausted body. And so he bit back his angry words and let his tears fall.

"I'll make sure that everyone knows. They'll all know what you've done for us. It's okay Callisto of the S.T.A.R. Corps Scout Regiment and Survivor of the Mors Magna, our saving soldier. You can finally sleep easily. You did so well." She lightly smiled as her own orbs filled with tears and her body shuddered with its last bits of strength. Her pupils dilated and filmed over with the shroud of death making them a glassy haze. Hydra and Europa dipped their heads in respect to the blue female as Ursa churred in mourning to the clouded skies. Deimos reaches up and gently slid her eyes closed before cradling her cooling corpse closer to his chest, his throat scraping together as a wailing scream clawed free and shattered the world. 

Callisto Kyūseishu, last of the S.T.A.R. Corps Scout Regiment and Praesidium Champion, took her final breath surrounded by her beloved stars.

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