Chapter Five

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Callisto's food stock lasted her another week after the Nightlight Piranha Compromise she made with a glowing fish that could fly, and so the next morning she knocked on the doorframe of Hydra's small hut. The old snake seemed to have a vendetta against wooden doors and so every place there was meant to be a door she filled with beaded strings of varying materials from wood to stone to even bone. She also rarely spoke- maybe one or two words every few hours if you talked to her long enough- and did most of her communications through drawings and notes she leaves around her home.

"Hydra? You home? I'm back again, like always." Callisto pushed aside the beads and carefully stepped through to avoid catching the strings on her horns. She figured Hydra to be in her living room she had turned into a form of a doctor office for the villagers. Sitting on the padded bench for patients was none other than Helix himself and his troupe of tween wild-child friends.

"Hello, Helix. Have you seen Hydra around?" The boy lifted a brow at her casual greeting and question.

"She just left, she'll be back soon. Why are you here and not with Dumbo Deimos? Have a lovers spat?" Callisto had long since stopped letting the owl boy's words get under her skin, a trick Deimos himself was still struggling to achieve.

"Nope, still happily friends. I'm here to help Hydra. Why are you here?" The tween tinged pink at her question, a blush that Callisto was sure to notice.

"Nothing important to you, alien." A smirk curled her lips and her expression caused Helix to become a further flushed shade.

"So it's about a girl." All the boys snickered at Helix's spluttering and positively rose cheeks and ears.

"That's not what I said!" The conversation was paused by Hydra's return. She waved Callisto forward to the patient bench and the still peachy Helix. Without a word, Hydra handed her a small stack of drawings to show what she wanted the blue-hued soldier to search for in the forest outside of the village, including a map of where these should be found. Once she did, the elderly woman turned her attention to the injured hybrid boy. She only had to give him one curious look before the young Helix spilled his guts like a guilty child caught in a lie.

"It started as a dare! Xander said I couldn't jump over the Tribunal Hut without help from the branches so I had to prove him wrong! And that's when Amia and her friends walked by so I really couldn't back out! I almost made it too, but my wing got stuck and I think I broke it." Callisto lightly scoffed at him before tucking her drawings into her pocket then stepped behind the boy to inspect his wings. The left wing was perfectly fine but when she stretched out the right Helix yelped in pain and glared over his shoulder at her.

"What are you doing to me, alien?! You almost ripped my wing off, you insane freak!" Callisto lifted a brow at the melodramatic boy before she snapped his head back around to sit correctly.

"Please I barely touched you, Helix. It's not broken, just sprained. You," she pointed at a boy mixed with a hyena whose eyes were bugging out wide at her suddenly demanding tone of voice. "hand me those wraps beside you. Hurry it up." He snatched up a large spool of bandaging wraps and launched it across the room at her. She lazily plucked it from the air before pressing his wing close to his back then swiftly wrapped it tightly to prevent movements.

"Better?" Helix stood and shifted a few times before nodding slowly in a sense of star struck surprise. "Good keep it like this for a few weeks and you should be fine. And don't try to hurdle huts anymore."

"Okay. Umm thanks, I guess." His friends quickly filed from the hut, Callisto stopping Helix as he started to leave. He glanced at her over his shoulder once again in confused curiosity at her odd niceness when he had been nothing but rude and harsh towards her since the very beginning.

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