Singing, Screaming and Hosting..

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Ouran Has An Emo Host?!

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High school Host Club. I only own my OC. I don't own the Pictures either, they're from the internet.

Also guys this is my first Fic on here so please go easy on me but still tell me what you think!

Flashbacks are in Italics

Song Lyrics are in Bold and Italics

Oh and please tell me you read the Authors note, 'cause I really need you guys to, please??!!!!!

Chapter two:

Ben's POV

I walked down the halls of Ouran, on my second day here, heading to music room #3 after all of my classes have finished. Lost in thought and remembering the events of yesterday. I still don't see why I have to be a "Host"! What's wrong with them? And my "type"? Well, it kinda suits me, but still! They're such moron's.

-Flashback to yesterday-

"No matter! From now on, you shall be a host!" He shouted pointing at me. I stood still, unfazed by the volume. Haruhi walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry about this" she spoke with an apologetic tone.

"Don't be, It's not your fault your a cross dresser. Or is it?" I asked. Haruhi went on to tell me about what happened with the vase and how she had to get a certain amount of customers for her to pay of her dept. I felt a little sorry for her, but only a little.

"So I'm stuck here until I pay it off. Although it is very nice here" she finished.

"Ah, well good luck, Haruhi" I said patting her head.

"I KNOW!" Tamaki screamed in the background. "He can be the depressed type!"

"Hm... I don't know about that" Hikaru said uncertainly.

"How about the emo type?" Kaoru asked.

"Or the mysterious type?" Hikaru followed on.

"Or maybe the mysterious emo type!" They said together.

"Actually, that's not a bad choice" spoke Kyoya, not tearing his eyes away from his black notebook.

"Alright then it's settled! Your type will be the "Mysterious Emo" Type!" Tamaki announced wearing a look of triumph.

-flashback ended-

"Baka's" I mumbled as I took out my iPod and earphones, putting them in my ears before playing The Final Episode by Asking Alexandria. Listening to the guitar riffs, as Danny Worsnop screamed I screamed whipping my head, head banging, at the same time, not realising I was. When screaming or singing I held my hands as if there was a microphone in them the whole time.

"Oh my God.

Oh my God.

If only he knew,

If only he knew,

If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies,

We could've saved him.

They could've saved me.

But instead I'm here drowning in my own fucking mind,

And I'll be damned if you're the death of me.

Blood and ink stain the walls.

Ouran Has An Emotionless Host?!Where stories live. Discover now