Chapter One - The Dissimilar Students

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Chapter One - 2359 Words

That massive school stood conspicuously tall over its surroundings. U.A. High. Heroics, business, general. The school brings together the top students in various heroic fields and aims to help them grow. It's a world-recognized academy that is proven to bear the best of the best.

I'm just a loser student with a quirk, even if I may be in General Studies... Standing in front of the school, the purple haired boy looked, ruby-like eyes looking at the giant building. Can I really make it here?

Stepping forward, he followed the other students into the school building, student ID letting his pass through the gates without worry. "My high school life begins here..." He mumbled, walking forward, stepping immediately onto the school grounds. Picking up his pace, he started walking to the doors.

I should've realized it then, walking to the giant doors, he felt the bag of his pants catch onto his shoe, forcing him to fall over. I wasn't cut out for such an amazing school like U.A.

Tripping over his shoe, he stumbled forward, glad to see that no one was watching and he hadn't made a serious slip up to ruin his first day yet. Taking a deep breath, he continued walking, shaking ever slightly.

Sekigan Suna, Quirk: Crystallization! He can create crystals freely as long as they don't separate from his body!

"You're like a kitten." A girl next to him commented, black hair meeting her back as she walked, keeping her distance from him. "What class do you belong to?"

Jikken Kara, Quirk: Enchanted Writing! She can use her quirk to power herself up, but depending on how strong, her consequences can vary!

He turned, still shaking. "C-Class D One!" He stated, stiff as a plank as nervousness flooded his systems, driving his mind into a panic like mode as he spoke, hands still shaking.

"So we go to the same class." She mumbled, sticking out her hand to him, other hand in her pocket of her jacket. "I'm Jikken Kara. Stay out of my way and we might just get along."

Suna took it, nodding. "Sekigan S-Suna..."

Her eyes moved from him, noticing his last name, connecting it with the keychain on his bookbag. That'd be impossible. She thought to herself, This guy acts nothing like him, nor sounds like him.

"Do you know where the classroom is?" She asked, attempting to remember the layout of Yuuei, yet it failed to come to mind with her thoughts centering themselves around the keychain.

"Yeah, just follow me." He mumbled, leading her through the doors, still slightly flustered. She called me a cat... is that just her personality or have I already made a fool of myself? He asked himself, walking through the hallways with her on his tail.

"I don't want to really ask as stupid as this question is, but do you know about Chimamire?" She asked, deciding it would be best to get the question out of her mind before it bothered her for the rest of the day.

He nodded, "I have the video and card game, along with the bonus of the official art. I think the card game's pretty cool, but I don't really like the video game as much..."

Chimamire. The top five hundred players were given keychains of the game symbol in their choice of color, and their player name carved into it. Only one of each keychain exist, She thought to herself. Ito is the top player, and creator of Chimamire the Video Game. If he has the chain, then that means....

"Kara-San, we're here. I have to go talk to the principal so..." He trailed off, pointing to the door. She nodded as a thanks, walking into to the classroom alone.

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