the meeting

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Liam's POV

I pass through the crowd, only getting a few glances but that's it.

Maybe it's because I'm passing through a crowd full of old or busy people.

I took out the piece of paper with the address of the studio in it. But then it wouldn't be hard to miss, the name of the studio would probably be in big glowing lights.

We were booked in for a radio interview, so no doubt I would see fangirls greeting me when I arrive. Or maybe attacking me. They'd ask me questions about my breakup with Ashley, and if I would ever date her, or when will I start dating, they'd ask for photos or if they're one of those crazy fans, they'd show me a 'manip' or something of them and me.

Then obviously the body guards will come up and tell them to scatter off. Then he'll ask me, "Are you okay?" and I'd say "I'm fine. Thanks."

You know the drill.

I slipped back the paper in my pockets and looked up, then...

Bam. I bumped into someone. I stand there for a few seconds, then realised I had to help.

This stranger dropped a box of papers and I tried my best to hold them and not let them fly away. "Sorry, ma'am, I--"

"Save it. It's for school, and now they're all crumpled and unordered." She then glanced at me, giving me a piercing look.

Beautiful. She's beautiful. Despite how cranky she is right now.

"I'm sorry. I'll help you. I'll make it up to you, okay? We could get coffee and I'll help you organise it again." I said, still staring at her.

"Why not?" She said, although she was hesitant.

We made our way to a little café with barely anyone in it. "What would you like?"


"Just water?"


I just nodded and went to the counter. I told this old, asian man my order. After that I went back to the girl whose eyebrows were knitted together. I'm still surprised that she hasn't said anything like "Oh my god, you're Liam Payne!"

It's weird... Because I think everyone's familiar with me.

"You should relax," I said as I sat down. She looked at me.

"How am I to relax when my assessment is not in order!" She snapped, and I froze for a bit. Well, this girl has anger issues.

The man came up with then coffee and glass of water, and the girl just grabbed the glass and downed all the water and slammed it back on the tray, walking out with her things without even saying goodbye to me.

The asian man had the same reaction as me, mouth almost hung open and just staring at the glass door.

"Bye, then?" I mumbled, and the café owner scurried back to work. I took the cup of coffee and sipped the warm, bitter liquid.

When I had finished I left the money and the tips on the table, and before I could even leave, there was this leather black book with the name 'Katie McDallas' engraved on it.

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