THT | 38

71.2K 5.4K 713

Hey, so, I know many of you are going to hate me for this, but I have a problem.

I'm now living on my own and raising two puppies, as well as working full-time. Most of my paycheck goes to paying bills, rent, and dog food+vet bills, since they're both still getting their series of shots.

I want to proffessionally edit and publish The Highlander's Touch, as well as get a new cover. To do all of that, I have to take it off as "free" from Wattpad.

Until Jan 4th, 2015, there will be a 20% discount code on Smashwords for the full, raw version of THT. (you can find the promo code on my profile). I will update the book when it is completely edited, and will notify you all so that you can RE-download it as the completed version, free of charge.

I am so sorry that it's come to this. If I could afford to do all of the work I want to with that book out of my own pocket, I would. But after losing Dawn, moving out on my own, and coping with two needing puppies, I just...can't.

Purchase link:

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