Game Time

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Chapter 1:

Emma's POV-


Me and Bree (aka my best friend) walked into the change room in our hometown Guelph. If you don't know where it is than it is in Canada. Search it up. In our hands were holding our sweaty and stinky lacrosse equipment.

Our team was facing the 6th nations team. This was for the last spot in provincials to go to Carolina and go for the top position. So this easels lot out last game if we lost.

"Hey girls! Room 4." Our coach Kurt smiled.

Coach Kurt was a great coach. And sometimes a scary one. He was 6'5, bald and Maddi's dad. Kurt also played lacrosse for 12 years but than quit because he got married and than had Maddi.

We walked into the change room and started getting into our kidney pads and huge cheat protectors and pulled on my red an blue jersey with my number 6.

Kurt than came in as we were doing our mouth guards and helmets on. I grabbed my sick blue shaft and blue and black mesh and a black head. Let's just say it was my baby.

We took the floor and started our warm up. We peppered Phoebe with shots for 3 minutes before the game started. We did our cheer which was practically Regals on 3. Than the first line was on. It was me, Maddi, Bree, Haley and Quinn.

I knelt down to take the face off and the girl who was huge for a 14 year old was staring at me like I killed her family. Well the next hour went out like this.

1st period we scored 2 goals and got 5 penalties. And we were bruised. The 6th nations girls were vicious. 2nd period we shut them out like the first one and Sam went down when she got hit from behind.

Last period the scored twice on Phoebe. It was tied game. I flattened a girl and got called a 5 minute so that was boring. After I got out we had 1 minute left to score. Haley passed the ball to me I sprinted down the floor.

I faked out the goalie and whipped it into the net as the buzzer went. I threw my gloves on the ground and my stuck running over to my whole team.

We were going to provincials!

I had scored the game winning goal and that lead us to provincials.


I walked into the rink by myself with my older brother Owen. Carolina was amazing. The rinks were spectacular and nice. The hotel me and my brother were staying at was huge. Practically everyone was staying there too.

Spoke to soon. I threw my stuff on the ground beside the rest of my teams and stretched a bit. My red Regals shirt and Roots sweats stuck out like a thumb and my black under armor sandals. I chatted with Bree and my brother.

We than walked around one of the 6 rinks there were. We watched some of the games. At the London and Cincinnati game the girls were big and took cheap shots.

A few guys who were being idiots and passing a ball around the rink. And guess what happened. One of the idiots missed the ball and it was barreling toward me.

Except I didn't pay attention. Bree yelled right as it came toward me. Before it hit me, a sleek black meshed head caught it before it hit me. I looked at the shaft and someone was holding it.

He was muscular, tall and had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He looked angry tho. I turned back to the boys who had thrown the ball at me.

"Awe look who came to save the day. Hayes Grier." The "leader" said. "Still getting the star treatment I see?"

"Greg get out of here. You numbskulls only made it because you are rich and you dad founds the team." The boy spat.

"Do I even have a say in this?" I asked grabbing the ball from the boys stick. "Because I am sure as he'll I want to throw it at you 3."

My brother and Bree laughed, along with the boy who had saved me from not playing. I wound up for a throw and faked it. The boys jumped and screeched.

They than, looking behind me noticed my brother. Who was a amazing lacrosse player and played for the Outlaws.

"Holy shit!! You are Owen Jackson! Man you are like our idol!" One of the gingers said.

My brother frowned. He than went back to paying attention to he game that he was originally watching. The three boys left which left me and the guy who had saved me from a concussion.

"Hey. Um, I'm Emma. Thanks back there. I really don't want to get s concussion at provincials." I said.

He smiled. "I'm Hayes. Grier. Hayes Grier. And no problem. Can't help it that they are idiots. "

I laughed. "Yes. So who's team do you play for?"

"My hometown. Mooresville North Carolina. Only 4 hours away." He explained shrugging.

"Wow. At least your from the state. My team had to take a flight here from Canada. It was so long." I complained.

"Your from Canada? Wow." He sighed looking at me.

Hayes POV-

This girl was amazing. I had been over to Canada and we where in Pickering and I swear I saw her before. She had long brown hair that was pin straight. She had light green eyes and was a decent sized girl. Tall, muscular.

You could tell she was muscular. Her red shirt that cut off mid arm, showed off her biceps. She wasn't skinny, but she was definitely not fat. Like I said before muscle.

We walked around the rink and talked. She told me about Guelph, I told her about Carolina.

We passed my whole team and some of the immature guys wolf whistled at her. They were being immature and asking random things. She rolled her eyes and ignored them.

"Well, thanks Hayes. I have to go play. You should watch. I am number 93. Oh and lemme see your phone." She demanded.

She grabbed my phone and started to type. She gave it back and ran off. I looked at it and she had made a contact with her number. Her contact name was "Most Attractive Person Alive".

"Wow Hayes is getting laid tonight!" My friend Sean laughed.

"Oh shut up. Your just jealous I have a hot girl waiting for me. And you don't." I laughed back.

This was going to be a interesting month.

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