No More Goodbyes

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He let me have my moment of grief. "Maybe... Maybe he faked this one as well!" I say trying to have hope. Don't give up hope. Mycroft's voice says in my head. "How long do I have to stay here?" I ask after 20 minutes, but when I looked back, he wasn't there anymore. I hate it when he does that. I layed down, Ideas in my head. But I finally fell asleep. The next morning they let me out. Which seemed weird since I was there for about a day, well conscious at least. I didn't want to take a cab so I took the London Underground. I got off the train and walked to my own home. I walked into the door and turned on the television. I was on the news for one of the longest comas where they victim lived. The, the door opened. I didn't live with anybody, no one was invited either. "Hello?" Then everything turned black. I realised I have been kidnapped.

I woke up in a cage, I was with someone, I couldn't make out their face, but it was probably someone I knew. I heard whispers, probably guards. "Who are you?" I whisper to the other man in the cage with me. "I think you know who I am John". It was him. Two fake deaths. TWO. "How do you do it Sherlock? I had two broken ankles and you walked free like nothing happened". "Lets just focus on Getting out of here John." It seemed fair, I'll ask him later, if there is a later. "John, I have the key". "How the bloody hell did you get that?" "Oh just a bit of bribary and deduction" he says. We unlocked the gate and slowly approached the guard, taking him down together. "Lets get out of here" I suggested and we sprinted towards the exit.

We were under a bridge where the homeless live. Very wet, lots of fires. Bullets sprayed over our heads and missing us movie style. We bolted down Baker Street and arrived at 221b. We ran into the door and slammed it shut. We were catching our breath. He looked at me and I looked back. We smiled aand laughed. "Just like old times John" That made me smirk. So many crimes to solve. So many places to be. "Just like old times". I smiled, and went into for a hug.

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