Even Closer - Oney

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     "Chris, I'm home," I got home every day at 3:30, sometimes Chris was home and sometimes he wasn't. Today, he was playing video games in his office. I made my way back to him and opened the door.
     "Oh, hey, (Y/N), how was work?" He turned to me for a moment before turning back to his game.
     "It was alright," I mumble going on a small rant about my day. Chris grunts in agreement every so often. I cheer up, "Babe! You know what tonight is-"
     "Fuck! Ding Dong you dick!" He yelled into his headphones and kept playing.
     "I'll, uh, let you play..."
     "Uh-huh," Chris mumbles before I exit the room. I sulk over to the living room and fall onto the couch. I spent hours watching movies, alone. Thursday's were always our movie nights... It was Chris' turn to pick this week. I made dinner and tried to convince him to come out, but he was too involved with Ding Dong. After watching two Harry Potter movies I decided it was enough.
"Chris!" My voice travelled through the apartment and into the office space. Chris was playing some stupid video game. I heard him softly say, 'Hold up, Dee,'
"What's up, honeybee?" A smile crept onto my face at his nickname.
"You've been playing games all day, come cuddle me," My arms extended and I made grabby hands at him. He looked at me, then the office, and then back to me.
"Lemme tell Ding Dong," he placed a kiss on my forehead and made his way back to the room. A few moments passed and Chris returned holding my stuffed bee.
"You brought the bee! That means it's movie time!" Chris laughed at me as he threw the soft bee at me.
"You autismo...," He grumbled before picking out (movie). When he returned I cuddled up to him.
"Hold me tighter," I whispered as the movie started. He pulled me in closer to him. I hummed softly, "Even closer!"
"What do you want me to do? Put you in my lap?" I nodded at the suggestion. He shook his head and I smiled.
"Thank you," he placed kisses on my face, neck, and shoulder. Everything went quiet for a while, except for the movie in the background.
     "I'm really sorry about earlier... I was being a dick, and I should have stopped playing," Chris apologized as a smile crept on my lips.
     "Chris, it's fine... I just feel like sometimes you go in that office and you never come out... It's like your office is the closet for you and you just refuse to come out," I joked and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I love you, you stupid dilbert," he lied his head on me and watched the movie for a little while. I sighed, growing tired.
"I love you too, you dippy down," I cuddled up closer in his lap. We fell asleep watching the movie with me sitting on him.

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