Love Letters - Julian

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A/N: This is one of the only stories I will use an actual gender for because Julian is gay. Anyways, enjoy!

     The doorbell rang and I quickly stopped writing. Without hesitation, I jumped up from my seat and ran to the door.
     "Well, hey there, (Y/N)!" Julian was standing outside. With a smile, I invited him inside. Julian sat on the couch and I turned on the TV.
     "What game shall we play today, pretty boy?" Julian and I had been friends for years; he came over just about everyday to play video games together.
     "I don't care! Just throw something in and get your sweet ass over here!" Julian called, making me laugh as I put in (favorite game). I sat next to him, my laughter subsiding.
     "You are too much, Jules," We began playing (game) and we played for hours.
     "I'm hungry!" Julian whined and I groaned, I was in the middle of a battle.
     "Then get something to eat, you know where the kitchen is," he left, leaving me to beat the boss. I heard a gasp come from the kitchen.
     "Yea, Jules? You good?" After pausing the game, I got up and walked into the kitchen. Julian was holding a piece of paper in his hand and I froze. Neither of us spoke for a while, no words came to mind. Julian had found a love letter that I was writing... to him.
"Is... Is this true?" He finally spoke after what seemed like forever.
"Julian, I didn't think- I didn't know you would- I didn't..." I couldn't finish my sentences, I was so flustered and embarrassed.
"I...," he paused, "I didn't know you felt this way."
"I'm sorry, Julian. I didn't think about it. I was writing it right before you got here and-"
"Hey, it's fine. You don't have to apologize for how you're feeling, everyone has feelings," he pulled me into a hug and I laughed.
"You're so nice, Jules," I mumbled and he let go.
"Besides, I never said I didn't feel the same way," he turned away and began looking through the fridge. I was flustered and a blush rose on my cheeks.
"God, you're so gay," I joked and he turned back to me.
"You know it," with that he pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"I'm... gonna go play games now," Exiting the kitchen, I sat on the couch and pushed my head into my hands. My phone chimed, it was a text from Julian in a group chat.

Jules: (Y/N) is all flustered cuz I kissed his cheek XD

Chris: u homos

Dingus: Pics or it didn't happen

Me: Fuck you all :)

Julian returned from the kitchen with all sorts of food. He sat next to me and gave me a big smile.
"I hate you," I grumbled and he began laughing.
"That's not what that note said out there!" He teased me and I pushed him away.
"You're an ass, Jules,"
"That's because I have the best one in town," he said with a wink and I shook my head.
"Whatever, lets just play," we played for a few more hours before Julian decided to go home.
"I have to record with Chris and Ding Dong tomorrow, wanna go out for dinner after?"
"Sure, where are you guys going?" I asked and he smiled.
"Where ever you wanna go. Chris and Dingus aren't coming. Night," he pressed a kiss to my lips and walked away. I stood there, shocked and confused, but pleasantly surprised, for a good while I didn't move.
"Well played, Jules, well played..." I walked inside and saw a text from Julian.

Jules: love you <3

A/N: Thank you to SenpaiLuver for their suggestion! Hope you all enjoyed!

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