20171213. i am ridiculous

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( ^ literally me right now)

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( ^ literally me right now)

Remember when the Hero of Heroes universe was gonna just be three fics, but has branched into a whole universe centered around characters who are all different but represent a core idea played out through various actions and morals each character has, all set between the events of Civil War and Infinity War?

What did I do to myself?

Let's do a tally count (because I'm vain)

— Lonely Hearts | Peter Parker (my literal peak)

— Past Lives | Steve Rogers (my personal child)*

— Art Deco | Ned Leeds (deserves better than me)

— Broken Lullaby | Tony Stark (my growth piece)*

— TBA | Thor Odinson (what am I doing?)*

— TBA | Loki Laufeyson (seriously, what am I doing?)*

— TBA | Sam Wilson (my angsty rom com)*

Then we hit Infinity War, and if this doesn't sound like a train wreck hell bent on making me suffer but in a really good way, I don't know what does.

* these are stories that I am planning on getting finished BEFORE Infinity War Part 1 hits theaters, can you believe me? Me and my ambitions, I have too many and they're all too high, but I'll be damned if I don't reach them

Can we tell that Lonely Hearts made me the equivalent of first movie Thor? Because it did. Someone be my Odin and knock me down a few pegs, send me to New Mexico, give me a cute girl to kiss and visit every so often, only to be dumped eight years later because she deserves better than me and my flighty ass.

Can't guarantee I know what this entire little rant was, but you know...it's almost finals and I'm just really ambitious and want to do everything I can all at once because I have stories to tell, friends to make, people to prove wrong, and a lotta movies to watch, so that's fun!

Thanks for listening to this dumb chick's ramble about her stories because she's vain as hell

Thanks for listening to this dumb chick's ramble about her stories because she's vain as hell

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