Back to the Leaf!

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:":Yui POV:":

It's been nearly a year since I've left the leaf village and boy have I been having the time of my life. My birthday has passed, so I'm officially 8 years old. Pretty dope considering being a kid means I can get away with a lot more. No one suspects someone who looks like their just over 5 or 6 years old to steal a hundred dollar items from stores. Or a box of 50 dangos from someone who didn't grab them from the counter yet.

Either way, after spending six months with the Akatsuki I ditched them. Konan and Tobi insisted on having a last supper kind of thing. Guess who had to cook it?

After leaving the next morning, I ran into Orochimaru. It wasn't a very fun run in since he was part of the Akatsuki when I was first there. He was always cooped up in his fucking room all day.

After a month with him, I got bored and bailed. In the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, and Orochimaru was spitting another body out of his fucking mouth, I fucking booked. I've had to watch him do it more than wanted, and all he talks about is how my body would be a good asset for him. Ya, fuck that shit.

The minute I left that place, Momochi found me. That bitch.

I apparently couldn't spend one month by myself to terrorize a few people. Like Damn. I spent two months with the two, although most of that time was spent with Tazuna, Tsunami and the kid.

I finally got free from their grasps with a very heartfelt goodbye and a free trip across the lake on a small boat. Now, I spend my days going around the globe, messing with everyone as much as possible and making sure that people who get important later never forget me.

Maybe Enma was right when she thought I was going to fuck up as much as possible. I couldn't do it in my original world, so I might as well do it here. I mean, what's the fun in living in a world where you know what's gonna happen at all times? If you fuck things up, it changes the future, meaning new and fun experiences.

The old grape said I had to be back by graduation, which is when I'm 11... I still have 3 years on my hands. What the fuck.

~~~3 years later~~~


There walked Yui and well, another Yui with a trumpet. It's been about 4 years since she left the Leaf Village and now she's being forced to go back to that hell hole. A deal is a deal.

After a long 3 week walk cause she's a lazy bitch who refuses to run, the gate of hell was finally in view. The village is now exactly like the tv show. The village? Still not very hidden. The guards? Absolutely passed the fuck out on the registration table. Hotel? Not fucking trivago if you thought that was where this was going. It's literally anything but trivago.

Asking directions is for idiots and males with poor masculinity (Seriously tho, ASK FOR FUCKING DIRECTIONS PEOPLE) so teleportation was the only option. Like, what's the point of being obsessed with the show and having 3 years in it just to NOT teleport and scare the ever-living shit out of people of high power?

Exactly, there is none.

*With Hiruzen*

The old man was explaining to the jonin who would be on their 4 man teams. The graduation date was set in about 5 days and he was anxious as Yui has not returned from her voyages.He was telling the last Jonin his team members with his spy-orb-thing when there was a knock. 

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