Chapter 8: Hope

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Ava's POV
I was piecing it all together now; the morning sickness, not drinking at the party, but why would she keep this from me? I couldn't be mad at her, not now. Everyone was in shock.
"Does your dad know?" I asked.
Her mom walked out on them when Sabrina was little, and her dads job is paying just enough for Sabrina's figure skating lessons.
"No," she responded.
It was awkwardly quiet. Sabrina started to break down again.
" My baby's father is in a coma..." she cried.
Sabrina's POV
My friends left eventually and my dad walked in the door. The doctor pulled my dad aside and told him everything that happened.
He walked over to me.
"Your pregnant!" He yelled, startling the doctor as he turned towards me.
"They found out when they took my blood," I said kind of ashamed.
"Did you know before that?"
"Yes," I said softly.
"What has happened to you?! You get knocked up, steal a car, I'm sick of these secrets Sabrina!" He yelled.
I started crying again.
"You had it all going for you! A full paid scholarship Olympics Training Camp, it was your dream, our dream!"
"Dad, I'm stressed enough as is!" I said.
"Of course there are ways to handle this.." he said calmly.
"I'm keeping the baby," I said before he could finish, " I'm not heartless."
  About that time, Knox's parents walked in.
"I'm so sorry, we were in California, and we booked the first flight here," Knox's mom sobbed. "Where's Knox?" She said looking around. The doctor pulled her aside.
"Your son is in a coma," he said. Knox's mom collapsed to the ground and scream-cried like I had in the car. She started hitting the floor and Knox's dad wrapped his arms around her. When she calmed down a little more, the doctor continued. "She's carrying your sons baby," the doctor said pointing at me. Knox's mom turned around and looked at me. She ran towards me and wrapped me in her arms. We collapsed onto our knees sobbing.
"It's gonna be ok sweetie," she whispered in my ear.

A/N: I know this chapter is really short, but I hope it's normal to cry over your own book, because that's what I've done the past 2 chapters!😂Please follow me so you can be updated when new chapters come out!

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