Chapter 19: Kidnapped

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Ava's POV
The next morning I walked into skating practice, I was there pretty early today, I saw Coach Jens car in the parking lot so I knew I wasn't by myself, however when I walked in the lobby, the lights were off, the only light was the glow from the ice rink. I got a chill and a bad feeling. I decided to be very quiet incase the killer was here. When I turned my head, I saw that Coach Jens office light was on. I breathed a sigh of relief. I started to her office and opened the door to see Coach Jen laying her head down on her desk. At first I thought that she was asleep, but then I noticed she had a trail of blood from her head that had threaded its way to the floor. I screamed and ran for the lobby phone and dialed 911.
  The police came and questioned me once again. The hockey coach decided since West nationals was in exactly 2 weeks, so he insisted we get a replacement coach and only take a 2 day break to grieve before returning to practice. I couldn't take going to Coach Jens funeral, it was too sad. I was now even more convinced that Tara's parents were the murderers. In 2 days, i returned to practice to see Tara's mom in a warm up suit and skates. I laced my skates and looked around for the replacement coach, but no one came. I sat beside Lanie and Tara, but Chelsea still continued to sit on the other bench.
"I'm Mrs. Coleman, your replacement coach for the season, you may know me as Tara's mom."
I was in shock, Tara's mom, the most obvious killer could not be our replacement coach!
"Ok," she continued, " Tara and Ava, you will be working on your routines for west nationals, and Lanie and Chelsea, you will be working on your axels and salchows today since you aren't competing in west nationals. I would not be the next one in the chopping block. I wouldn't risk nationals for my life. I sat back down and started unlacing my skates.
"What are you doing Ava?" She asked.
"I'm quitting," I said putting my skates back in my bag.
Before Mrs. Coleman could say anything, I walked out the door.

Sabrina's POV
Chris picked me up and we went to his house. His humungous house. I had said yes to living with him, but I said when Knox wakes up, I'm out. I hung up my coat on the coat rack and I followed Chris upstairs.
"This is your room," he said motioning to a huge room. There was a king sized bed and spotlight lights and the room seemed to be as big as half of my house. There was also a bathroom with a jacuzzi jet bathtub and a full walk in closet which was as big as my own bedroom at my house.
"It's beautiful!" I said.
He motioned for me to come next door to the twins room. It was pink since both of them are girls and had fluffy pink decorations hanging from the ceiling. There were two cribs and little stuffed animals all over the room.
"Chris I can't thank you enough!" I exclaimed hugging him, then I let go and refined myself.
"But I'm only staying here till Knox wakes up and I'm only 6 months pregnant with just 3 months left."
"Well I made this just in case," he said motioning to the room.
"Thank you."
The rest of the night, I spent talking with Chris. We went outside to look at the stars. We sat on his deck and looked st the beautiful twinkling beings. The stars twinkling reflected off the snowy mountain tops capped with snow.
"Beautiful isn't it," I said.
"Not as beautiful as you," Chris said turning to look at me. I looked into his eyes and we kissed. It was not long before I pulled away.
"Chris we can't do this."
"Why not?"
"If Knox knew-"
"Knox isn't here."
Chris leaned in for another kiss but I leaned away.
"No Chris!"
"But Sabrina we can't hide the feelings we have for each other anymore."
"Yes Sabrina, I love you with all my heart."
"Chris I'm sorry but my heart lies with Knox. He's the father to my children and the holder of my heart."
Before Chris could say anything else, I ran back in the house, down the stairs and out the front door. Home was too far of a walk from here, so i ran to a nearby gas station and called Ava to come get me.
"What happened?" Ava asked as I got in the passenger seat.
"Chris is like madly in love with me, he tried to kiss me and I ran away," I said keeping the first kiss part to myself.
Ava drove me home and and I went into my house and looked at my watch . It was only 7:30. I did some laundry, rubbed my baby bump some, i could feel one of them had the hiccups, and then went to bed. I heard dad come in the house downstairs and he went to his room.
Later that night, I awoke with a jolt to someone on top of me. I felt them put their arm around my neck and from the moonlight coming from the window I could see the glint of a knife being held at my neck.
"Do what I say and no one gets hurt."

A/N: Cliffhanger! The next chapter should be intense so be sure to follow me so you can get the notification when The next chapter comes out!

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