Chapter 8

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I don't own any of the characters I'm just playing with them.

Gomez's POV

I watch her as she eats and suddenly an idea comes to mind. I'll take her on a date, the first date is always a good way to find if we are a good match. When dinner is over I go to her chair and hold up my arm and help her up. I send the children to the playroom down in the dungeon and tell them to have fun and that Nanny Isabella will be with them soon. I lead the way to my study. As we get to the study I pull out the chair and sit her down and I go around instead of my chair." Well Isabella, you've done a fabulous job with the children. The other name is didn't last past 2 days, the children seem to love you. After Morticia died they didn't seem like they would like anybody. You've done so well in fact I've decided to give you a raise and I have one question?"She looks completely stunned with the praise I've given her and she says" thank you Gomez and I will try to answer your question honestly." I would like to ask you on a date, it's been a year-and-a-half since Morticia died and I think it's time I try and get back into the game. I really like you and you do a really fabulous job with my kids, please tell me if I'm being too forward." I say in a desperate slash convincing tone. She looks hesitant as if it hurts to think of saying yes or no. Then she says" You're not being too forward, it's been awhile since I've been in the dating game and I'm not too sure if I'm ready. But I will give it a try." My heart soars when she says yes. I stand up and ask her " My dear can hug you? She nods her head yes. I go around the ny desk and I take her into my arms. It feels so wonderful, she's so cold, so dead like, perfect. She wraps her arms around me and it feels so right like it was meant to be.

Bella's POV

When we get to the Gomez's study he pulls the chair out for me and I sit down. I wonder what he has to talk to me about. He sits down and faces me and he says"Well Isabella, you've done a fabulous job with the children. The other name is didn't last past 2 days, the children seem to love you. After Morticia died they didn't seem like they would like anybody. You've done so well in fact I've decided to give you a raise and I have one question?" I sit there stunned with the compliments he's giving me. I tell him"thank you Gomez and I will try to answer your question honestly." What he said next blew my mind and I'm not sure if I really wanted to answer it, but I need to answer him. His question was"I would like to ask you on a date, it's been a year-and-a-half since Morticia died and I think it's time I try and get back into the game. I really like you and you do a really fabulous job with my kids, please tell me if I'm being too forward." He asked me in a desperate way. My answer after I gotten over the shock was"You're not being too forward, it's been awhile since I've been in the dating game and I'm not too sure if I'm ready. But I will give it a try. His face breaks out into a great big grin, I feel as though I've given him the greatest gift in the world. He then ask me if he can hug me. I shake my head yes in confirmation. He comes around the table and as soon as he puts his arms around me, there's this great big shock running through my system almost like static. When I put my arms around him it felt like I was meant to be here like I couldn't get enough of the hug. I hugged him tighter. Then all of the sudden I heard a terrifying blood curdling screaming of the children. A terrible howling filled the house.

Left a little cliff hanger hope yall like

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