Chapter 13

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I do not own any of the characters I'm just playing with them. Just bella's POV

Bella's POV

Gomez gathers that's back in the office. 2 hours till we meet the creature, we go over the plan until we memorize it. As everyone else leaves Gomez comes around the desk and looks at me he asked "are you unhappy my darling". I reply "terribly so, I miss the children". He smiles and says "we will get them back. We have just two more hours and we will see their little faces again and they will wreak havoc upon the neighborhood once more." He smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. The tight hug feels so suffocating, just perfect. He is so strong and muscular. He tells my chin up and kisses Me Softly, the kiss chills me to my bones. His lips so rough and warm. He drags his hand up my waist into my hair gripping it tightly As I push myself closer to him. I let out a soft moan. This love is so much more passionate than it was Edward. I almost feel like I can breathe again. The door is open and we jump back from each other. Fester stands in the doorway smirking" it's 11:30, we better get going. It's a 15 minute walk." He walks out heading towards the front door. Gomez looks at me and says "are you ready to get the children back." I reply "I've been ready let's go." The tone I give promises deadly Payback. Gomez intertwines our arms and we marched towards the front door.
When we get there we see lurch and Grandmama holding a dozen vials of deadly poison. Grandmama says " we brewed the most deadly and potent potions and poison I could find in my book." She cackles and lurch groans in agreement. Fester and dementia both have a cannonball in their hand. I though he gave them three. Gomez open the closet door next to the door and pull out the six guns and 3 boxes of silver ammo. He hands me 3 handguns, I puts one in my boot one, in my waistband and one in my back pocket all with the safety on. I must say I  looks pretty sexy with a bunch of guns and quite deadly. He take the other three guns and  put two in the holsters on his sides and one in his back pocket like I did. He grab 6 lanterns and give us  each one. He tell  everyone that its time to go. We head out the door and through the cemetery to the forest. He tell the others "it's a 15 minute walk." We start walk and he  look at his watch which reads 11:45. He hold the lantern up high as we get closer to the spot were  Morticia passed. We get closer and my heart jumps out of my chest, the children gagged and bound at the feet of someone. I see another figure slightly behind the person. He pull the lantern closer to the person and I let's out a gasp when I  see the two people and grips his arm tighter. I am pissed, it's a good thing we brought lanterns with us I was going to kill Jacob and Edward. How dare they steal the children. " What the Hell" I yelled. " why the fuck would you do something like this? My patience is wearing thin. As I look closer at Edward I noticed his eyes to change colors they're no longer butterscotch but deep pulsing red, He switched diets. I look at Jacob and notice he's Hairy, I thought he was a shape-shifter what happened last I saw of him 2 years ago."Jacob what the fuck happened to you?" I was getting angrier and angrier by the second . "You better start talking." I said in a deadly tone causing everyone but Gomez to flinch.

Ooooo everyone was real close to who it was. Why would Edward and Jacob do this everyone will have to wait and see. You are all so nice to even read this story I hope I gave someone inspiration to write a fanfiction like this too.

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