Johnson's Place

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⚡️Current favorite song? ⚡️

Adagio 2


Sam pulled up to a driveway with three vehicles already parked here. Sam took the key out before turning to me. He smiled warmly before getting out and I slowly took my seatbelt off. Once I was out of the car, I retrieved my backpack from the back seat and walked around the car over to Sam.

We looked towards each other before he gestured for me to link arms with him. The two of us followed the small pathway that led to the front door. I thought Sam was going to ring doorbell and to my surprise, he reached for the knob and opened the door. Sam walked right in and pulled me along with him.

The first thing I noticed was the portraits hanging from the walls leading up the stairs and some that led down a hall. It felt very welcoming and the scent was very delightful. There was definitely baking going on in the kitchen.

Sam led me down the small hall, which did not give me enough time to look at the pictures on the wall. We passed what looked like the dining area before entering a room next door. It happened to be the kitchen and I saw there was someone by the sink.

My heart escalated as we walked in and Sam seemed very comfortable here.

"Hello mama Johnson," Sam greeted happily. Mrs.Johnson turned around and I saw her for the first time. She smiled once she sees me.

"Hey Sam," She chuckles. "Who is our special guest today?"

"Hello Mrs.Johnson. I'm Emma," I introduced myself feeling shy. Mrs.Johnson notices how shy I am and smiled kindly.

"There's no need to be shy. The question is how did you becomes friends with Sam?" Her tone seemed jokingly and I broke into a smile liking her instantly.

"Sam asked to be my friend," I shrugged. I remembered that day when I was a freshman. My parents were fighting and I couldn't stand them and so I snuck out of the house with a small bag. The rain was pouring down hard and I was soaked walking alone.

The best think for me was to get out of that house because they had been arguing so much then. I knew if I stayed that I'd be pulled into it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay at the hotel again. I remembered that park I found a few blocks away and sat on the bench for awhile and cried from the amount of stress from school, my parents fighting and feeling so lonely.

This was my first year at West High and I had just moved here during the beginning of the summer. I haven't made any friends yet and I didn't have anyone to talk to. It was Sam who had came up to me in the rain with an umbrella that day and asked me if I was alright. I saw the worried expression on his face and he brought the umbrella  so it would also shield me from the rain a bit.

He told me he saw me walking alone in the rain from his house and told me that he wasn't trying to stalk me. He said he has seen me walk around town before over the summer and wanted to say hi. He also mentioned the few classes we had in school. He seemed so kind and I told him the truth about everything going on at home with my parents. Sam offered me to come to house for a bit for hot chocolate and that was how our friendship started.

"Well it's great to see a lovely face around here," Mrs. Johnson said kindly and we heard Sam gasping. I turned to Sam who pretended to me shocked and had a hand over his heart.

"I'm offended!" Sam said pretending to sound hurt. Mrs.Johnson rolled her eyes and I laughed lightly.

"You'll live. Jack is down in the basement. It is nice to meet you Emma."

"You too Mrs.Johnson," I smiled.

"The cookies will be done soon! I'll call you guys up when they're done."

"Thanks," Sam smiled and took my arm before leading me to a door that I assumed would lead to the basement. He opened the door and I followed from behind. "Johnson! We're here!" Sam called out and I felt nervous all over again.

Once the two of us reached the bottom, I peaked my head around Sam to see smiling ear to ear at us. Slowly I walk around Sam and untangled my arm from him. Jack Johnson has that sort of face that seems so friendly and caring. I really liked his blond hair and blueish green eyes. For the first time, they were really looking at me.

"Hey Emma," Jack waves friendly and reached for something on the table. He now has one of my favorite Starbucks drink in his hand. My eyes widens as he slowly walks over with a nervous smile. "I... uh bought this for you. Sam told me this is your favorite." He is now in front of me and I could tell Sam was hoping I'm not too nervous or overwhelmed. At first I felt a bit hesitant, but Jack seemed so nice so I relaxed a little.

"Thank you Jack," I spoke softly and Jack nods as he hands the drink over to me. "You're in my physics and gym class."

"Yeah," he chuckled lightly. "If you ever want to talk in class, you can always sit by me or hang if you'd like." The three of us inched our way over to the couch and I noticed a few things on the table. Not just any few things, they happened to be my favorite things.

"Y-you have all of my favorite snacks here."

"Jack wanted to spoil you with your first visit here," Sam said from beside me and we took a seat. Jack went over to a cabinet where I think he had movies in. I took a sip of my drink and close my eyes slightly from the amazing taste.

"Did I do okay with the snacks?" Jack asked turning slightly away from the cabinet.

"I think you know how to make to make a girl welcomed," I smiled slightly and Jack returned the smile before returning to looking at the movies.

"Well... I'm glad to hear. Is there anything specific you want to watch? Or maybe you're into video games?" I looked towards Sam and he gave me a reassuring smile that everything is okay.

"Do you own a GameCube?"

"Duh, of course I do. I have to practice my driving skills somehow when I'm playing Mario kart." I laughed lightly and Jack towards me.

"I think I'm the best at Mario Kart." Jack raised an eyebrow and I smile feeling so innocent.

"Is that a challenge I hear?"


"Oh. It's on Emma." Jack hands me a controller from the GameCube before walking over to the tv and putting I assumed Mario Kart. I like him already.

"Challenge accepted." I heard Sam chuckling from beside me as the tv turned on and Jack came over to sit beside me.

"There's also more snacks for you to have if you'd like to. Feel free to take some. I think we're going to be here for awhile."

"First person to win fifteen races?"

"Fifteen? Are we trying to be here till almost midnight?" Jack turned towards me and I shrugged as the theme song to the game came on. I love Mario Kart. "Well, I don't mind. You're so on Emma."

"Alright Johnson," I laughed lightly and now focused towards the screen. It may have been awhile since I've last played this, but I've always been really good at it. I'm sure Jack is good at this too.

I've realized how quickly I started warming up to him already. He seemed nice and he went his way to get me my favorite Starbucks drink and also get many of my favorite snacks.


Hope everyone has a great week 💖

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