The Four elements Prologue

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Hey guys so I am editing the whole series and so far I have changed Dstinee's name to Charlotte. If any of you object just comment below. And I will update One death at a time really soon. Sooner then you think...BYE LOVES!<3

Five years ago

"Come on guys lets circle up." I said to my four friends, Alexa, Marco, Erica, and Elisa. They all got in a circle. Alexa facing north, Marco facing south, Erica facing west, Elisa facing east, and me in the middle. Alexa represents Air, Marco represents Fire, Erica controls Water, Elisa controls Earth, and I control Spirit. Together we make a circle of elements.

"Ok, call your elements." I said

"Air creatures of the north please join our circle." Alexa said

"Fire creatures of the south please join our circle." Marco said

"Water creatures of the west please join our circle. Erica Marco's sister said.

"Earth creatures of the east please join our circle." Elisa said and finally.

"Spirit creature of everyone please join our circle." I said to complete the circle.

"'Kay guys we need to hurry up!" Erica yelled.

"I know just calm down your nervousness is only making the circle weaker." I said to my best friend. She nodded and closed her eyes to focus on her element.

"Merry meet creatures of the circle I ask that you rid all the darkness that has tainted this place and the darkness that has tried to reach us. By the power of the five elements so be it and blessed be, merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"

That's when everything went wrong. Bright light exploded from my body and shot my friends in the circle and my friends around us back to hit the ground hard. Finally the light died down and all I could hear are moans of pain and sobbing. My knees buckled and of course gave out and I fall to the floor. But before I could fall Misael catches me and sets me down.

"You ok?" He asked. I nodded and he said ok and left to check on the others. Manuel was awake and alarmed but didn't even have a scratch. I hurt my friends. I almost killed them. I could have killed them. What have done? I see Elisa lying on the ground passed out with Jerry right next to her shaking her trying to wake her up. Marco and Erica are talking quietly checking each other for any sever injuries and going to find their little brother Cody who is being healed by Imoni and so is Taya. Ines and Jesus are talking heatedly and Ines keeps looking back at me with worry. Misael comes over to me.

"What happened back there?" He asked sounding really shaky, which is really weird because Misael is the most easy-going chill guy I have ever met. I looked him in the eyes and shook my head.

"I don't know. But I have to go before I cause any more harm." I said while I get up. Misael grabbed my arm and looks into my sad eyes.

"This wasn't your fault. You didn't know what was going to happen." He said. I pulled my arm from his grip and say in a harsh tone.

"Why don't you go check on your girlfriend that I tried to kill? Taya does look pretty bad." And I saw the hurt and guilt on his face and I instantly feel really bad but I just keep walking till I'm outside under the bright full moon. Bianca runs out looking for me with so much worry. Her lip is cut and her cheek is bruised but that's it. I run up to her and pulls her into my arms.

"I am so sorry B. I should have never let you come tonight." I said already crying.

"Its okay I am fine. No seriously injuries." she said assuring.

"But I almost killed you and our friends." I said.

"No you didn't. You banished all the darkness like you were supposed to. We knew there would be a consequence." She said softly.

"But not this bad of a consequence. It was too powerful I knew that but I had to take a risk." I said sadly.

"To save us all you did the right thing." she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks big sis but this one is my fault and I need to pay the consequence. I'm leaving don't tell anyone where I went please I need to do this. Do you trust me?"I ask hopeful.

"Of course but where are you going?" she ask taking a step toward me. I quickly hug her.

"I will keep in contact with you always but I need to do this alone. I love you sis." And I ran of before she can say anything else or before I change my mind. I need to go home first, I have a lot of cash just in case of an emergency and this is an emergency.

I get to my old childhood house and guess who I find sitting on my front porch?

"What do you want Misael?" Clearly I was annoyed with him.

"Where're you going Charlotte?" He asked.

"How did you know I was going anywhere?" I asked

"A little bird told me." He said with a grin on his face because he can actually talk to the birds.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked

"Everyone is fine but are you." He asked and I remembered a memory a funny one too.

You do remember what 'fine' means right?" He smiles at me and I say,

"Freaked out, intense, nervous, and eccentric." And then we both start laughing.

"I need to get away. And no one can stop me. If I need to get in contact with you or anyone else, you or they would know. Okay?" I say to him. But also quickly think, Spirit, please weaken him enough so he can't stop me. And I see him sag on the ground. Thank you Spirit I think. I run past him before he can gather his strength to my house. My nana isn't home yet but legally I can leave but I leave a note just in case. I get to my room and start packing. I really need to hurry because Misael can like get his strength back really quick. I know from experience. We mess around a lot okay? It's not a crime. I go down stairs to the basement and open the safe hidden behind a drilled to cabinet. It's maybe about fifteen thousand in here but I only take ten thousand so my sister has some money too.

I run outside too see now Erica sitting on the porch. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey Charlie." She says simply. I smile at her

"Hey babe. What are you doing here?" I say softly.

"Misael said" she started to say but I cut her off.

"Really he came to you? I hate him." I said.

"Do you love him?" she asked

"Misael?" I ask she nods. I don't know how to answer that because the truth is I think I kind of do but I immediately change the subject.

"What do you want Erica? Are you here to stop me from leaving? Because it won't work."I said. She smiles slyly at me which is creepy coming from her.

"Of course not. I will always support you in your stupid decisions. Even though this one is really stupid and makes no sense at all but you know me. I am my own Erica and I don't make sense. Shut up Billy!" She said with a fake cough. I just laugh at her.

"I am going to miss you though and Elisa and everyone else but I need to do this. Its safer this way. I will keep in contact though. I wuv you my cheshire cat." I said and gave her a quick hug. She hugs me back and says,

"You always did love my hugs."I laugh and shake my head.

"Tell Dalila I am sorry for putting Elisa's life in danger. You guys mean the world to me and tell everyone that I love them and I am just a phone call away kind of. Bye babe." I say quickly and run to my car.(We are all in our late teens in this. So yes I have a car .67 black four door chevy impala

"Don't look back,don't look back." I whispered to myself but I looked back and saw Erica on her phone already reading a new story on Wattpad. So her though! I laugh to myself and drive away to a possible normal life. Ha! Normal, that is so cliché.

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