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While Charlotte dragged me all the way to the back of the house all I could think about is Erica leaving and my own fresh and blood sister going with her. Yes, Dalila is going with her. After everything me and Dalila have been through together she rather be with Erica who she has known for thirteen years other than her sister she has known her whole life. How pathetic is that? I mean I'm her sister. Why would she choose her friend over her sister? Just makes me so mad! But wait if Erica is leaving what's going to happen to the mansion?

"Hey what's going to happen to the mansion to the mansion when Erica leaves?" I asked. Charlotte looks back and gives me a confused smile.

"She didn't tell you? I bought it off her or in other words she sold it to me. I thought you knew." she said. Which made me even madder. Why would Erica sell the mansion to her instead of me? The one who didn't leave without a word in five years. Charlotte looks at me with a sad and hurt look. Oh crap was I thinking too loud. I keep forgetting if someone is thinking loud and clear she can hear them. It part of the package with having the abilities to control and connect with Spirit.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." I said. She waved away my apologies and kept moving but she wasn't really dragging me anymore. It's more like I'm just following her now on my own free will.

We finally make it to the back of the house which I have never been.

"No one has been here except for me. Erica the one who owns the house doesn't even know about this. Which makes sense? I was the one to finish it. It was like someone started but didn't finish." She said.

"Please stop that. I am not trying to be mean but your invading my space. And I don't like it. And what do you mean you finished it?" I asked. She nodded and then all her features became happy and giddy. She nodded towards the door in front of us and opens it. We walk into this amazing, beautiful, bright Green house. It has large fountains and around and on them are lotus flowers and the sunlight is shining right on the flowers which makes them glow. Then the rest of the house of multiple flowers like red tulips, carnations, and ohmigod are those gardenias. And whenever we walk by them they start to glow and light up the whole house. All through the house I can feel my element shaking with excitement. Every part of this house is part of my element but also part of Spirit. I can feel Spirit vibrating within the walls. I can feel the power within these walls in general. It is really a magical place. A place of power and light is what this is. And it is really beautiful.

Wait! Charlotte did all of this? Wow she did an amazing job like seriously. And coming from the one person who controls Earth is a big deal and I am really surprised. I don't think I could have even done this. I look over at Charlotte and she has her eyes closed, her features are relaxed, and her hands are flowing throw the flowers and the fountains. And while she is moving it's like a gold thread is following her while she is glowing with pure light. It's the most amazing thing I have ever seen! I clear my throat to get her attention. She stops moving and turns to me and a soft smile.

"So? What do you think?" she asked with a very light voice, I could barely hear her.

"This is amazing and so beautiful. And you have only been here for, what? Four or five days. How did you possibly do all this?" I asked her with amazement. She laughed!

"Well when we agreed that we should meditate our elements I started roaming the house for a silent room and I came all the way back here. It was a dump when I walked in. but every day for hours I would come in here and meditate and do some work to keep my mind off things and this is what happened. I'm not finished yet. But I am close." She said like what she did wasn't a big deal or that she wasn't proud of herself. Which she should be. This is an amazing, calm, peaceful place. I would die already if this is where you go after death. Seriously.

"I think you're finished." I said.

"No. I have a few more things left to make this place perfect. Just wait." She said excitedly.

"Where did you come up with this idea? It looks like a magical realm or island or something." I said and she was right this is so peaceful and calm I don't even remember what we were talking about.

"Actually I based it off of a dream I have been having repeatedly ever since Misael came to my shop. I named it Gisallia or was it Ever grove? I don't remember. But Gisallia means land of sorcery and Ever grove means land of fae or what normal human beings call them, fairies. I thought they both fit but I couldn't decide. And so I thought that, that place was just breathtakingly beautiful I had to share it with the world, kind of. You are the first person to see this so, yeah. What do you think?" She asked. I laughed with no humour.

"I-it's amazing. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I kind of envy you and your dreams. I would love to see this place every night." I said. But she shakes her head.

"No. you should want to dream this one every night." she said without even looking at me.

"Why?" I asked, but she didn't answer me. So moved in front of her so she has to look at me and I ask again,

"Why Charlotte?" I ask. Her features look sad and broken.

"Because in it every time you die in the most horrific way but then a beautiful woman comes and takes you away to this place forever but the only thing I am missing is a huge tree and a small bridge which you wave good-bye to me a huge smile and cross over the bridge while holding the pretty woman's hand. It was so sad every time I woke up crying. I wanted to call out your name in the dream but then a woman's voice told me to be silent and watch because the dream is very important. It nearly scared me crapless. That's why I have been so distant to you because I thought that any minute I would burst into tears. I just really don't want you to die. You are one of the best things in my life that if you ever die. My soul would shatter into a million pieces and I would die because I wouldn't be able to put myself back together. You and everyone else in this house is the only reason why I wake up in the morning. The only reason why I haven't already killed myself. I cannot bare to lose any of you guys. Especially you. You guys are my life. And that's my eternal oath." Charlotte said to me which made me really really sad that I started to bawl my eyes out. I ran and gave my best friend a big bear hug and we both just started to cry.

"You should have told me sooner that that is why you were so distant. I thought you hated me." I said through tears. She gave me a little chuckle and squeezed me harder.

"Don't you get it? I could never hate you. Ever!" she said and then the most powerful rush came through my body and I knew it was going through Charlotte too. We both flew back from each other with a powerful smack! And fell on our butts.

Finally my vision cleared and I saw Charlotte lying on the ground passed out. I started to cry while trying to wake her up. But she didn't move at all. I started to scream and scream so loud that I lost my hearing for a minute so I didn't hear anyone come in but Jerry and Misael came in followed by Manuel, Alexa, Erica, and Dalila and some more people but I stopped focusing on them and my focus went back to my best friend passed out in front of me with her face covered in blood coming from her nose, eyes, mouth, and ears. It was so horrible that I felt myself start to faint but Jerry caught me just in time and I saw Manuel and Misael pick Charlotte's limp body off the ground. While I just stared at the puddle of blood on the floor next to me. And the boys take her away.

A few minutes after I'm thinking straight and my mind has come back to the real world. I start to here a lot of crying from down the hall and run towards it to find a little hospital room and Charlotte's body on the examining bed. All the girls are sitting a few feet away from the bed crying so hard it looks like it hurts. Then I turn to the boys who are right next to Charlotte's pale body and they are silently crying too.

"What's wrong with her?!Is she okay?! Answer me damnit!" I scream and start to cry all over again. Jerry looks at me with so much sadness and guilt in his eyes and shakes his head.

"NO! She can't be I-I mean I was just laughing and talking to her. She can't be-be." I said and Jerry ran over to me and caught me before I fell.

"Is she really?" I asked silently while he holds me in his arms. He then looks at me again and says one word that changed my life forever.


Then I utterly broke down.

The four elements(BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now