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Danielle Campbell as Charlotte

"Whoa. Okay. You weren't kidding when you said mansion." I said when we got to Erica's freaking huge house! Misael laughed and oh its been so long since I've heard his laugh. Its kinda relaxing. And reminds me of home and what I've been missing out on.

"I told you its so huge that she begged us to occupy it. She was so lonely in this huge empty house that she asked us to bug her. Which coming from Erica is a first and last. But its nice and comfy." he said softly. I looked at him and smiled. He met my gaze and returned my smile. He gave the side of my head a little nudge and said,

"Come on Char. Lets deal with the big pile of crap that's waiting for us inside." He said. I slap the back of his head and run for the mansion door. Of course he's faster than me (Something's never change)he catches me and tackles me to the ground.

"Do you give?" he asked when he pinned me down to the cold floor. I tapped the floor like we're in a wrestling match and I give up like those babies who can't handle anything. I laugh and struggle against his restraints but then I give up. He laughs and gets up.

"That's what I thought." He said and helped me get up. I brushed myself off and shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just so you know I let you win so I didn't hurt your little ego. And I could kick your little butt with Spirit any day so yeah I let you win." I smile up at him because he will forever be taller than me. He smiled back and pushed me towards the door.

"So you say. Just go inside okay." He said like it was the most important thing in the world.

"Okay okay. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Oh and before you comment you do wear panties so don't even try to deny it." I said right before I opened the door and walked inside the most clean and fancy hallway I have ever seen. It was really tall too. It had a beautiful layer glass chandelier that had reflecting colors on it too like blue, purple, and green. There was a glass table in the middle of the hallway and a white wrap-around staircase. Then the three person I have missed the most came those stairs, Dalila, Erica, and Elisa. Recently Elisa called me asking me to come back and I told her I couldn't then she started yelling at me and hung up. I regret how the conversation went but It was my fault she got mad. Erica was the frist one to look up and see me. She gasp, runs down, and hugs so hard I almost choke. Dalila is right behind her and gives me a hug when Erica finally lets go. I look up and see Elisa glaring down at me. Which makes me want to cringe but I hold back.

"I knew that my cringy-self would bring you back." Erica said confidently. I laugh and shake my head.

"I heard you guys needed my help with destroying Darkness again." I said and smiled at them. Then Elisa finally talks.

"Yeah we did. Then you turned us down so we don't need you anymore. We have a better plan." she said with anger.

"Actually we don't you were our better plan."Erica said and looked back to give Elisa a glare. I guess everything has changed since I've left. Elisa hasn't been this rude. I'll have to make it up to her. I give a sad smile and give a tight nod as a hello. Manuel and Alexa walk in holding hands while Manuel is blushing and Alexa is looking around like she daring someone to say something about it. That is so cute because I thought it would be the other way around. They are perfect together. Jerry, Jesus, Ines, and Marco follow them in and they come and greet me. Marco comes and hugs me.

"Glad to have you back centipede." Marco said. When we were younger Erica used to call me senpai even though I'm younger than her and Marco thought she said centipede so it just stuck. Jerry came over and we fist bumped.

"'Sup ." He said. Five years later and he still isn't good at speaking english go figure. Jesus nodded to me. We've never really been close and then I faced Ines. This is the first time I've seen him since I broke up with him before I left. He halfed smiled and nodded at me in greeting. Then my heart stopped. Bianca just walked in and she saw me and started bursting into tears and ran away. Oh and by the way my heart didn't stop because I was happy to see her, it was because it hurts to see her. After what she said to me about hating me and to never talk to her again. Then I felt someone squeeze my shoulder. I totally forgot Misael was behind. He smiled and nodded to me. I smiled back.

"Well what are we doing just standing around? Lets get to work nerds."I said and started to follow Erica to the basement where they practice rituals and stuff.

"Wow. This is-this is cool and really big and dark. I think you guys took the whole being witches thing too far." I said. Erica laughed and said,

"We keep it like this so we aren't focused on our surrondings and we just focus on us and our power. Have you practised and channeled your power recently?" She asked. I smiled shlyly.

"You see if you asked if I practised and channeled my power latley there would be a different answer but since you asked if I have recently well that answer is no. The last time I did though was maybe a week ago." I said and everyone laughed except for Elisa. I looked over at her and there she is glaring at me again. I walk over to her, grab her arm, and pull her upstairs while I hear the rest of them whisper about us. Spirit stop them from saying anything bad about us. I thought. We finally make it upstairs after Elisa tries really hard to break free but I will always be stronger then her so I have a strong hold on her.

"What is your problem. I'm here aren't I?" I glared at her.

"Yeah after five years. And after asking and asking. You finally come." She said and started to turn around but turned to face me again.

"And you had the nerve to come back like nothing happened and like we didn't just talk over the phone recently. You had the nerve to come back like we are all buddy buddy still, well we aren't. Not anymore. Not after what you did to me I-I mean us. You hurt all of us. They may not be showing but inside you were killing them because they didn't know what happened to you or if you were okay. You didn't even say good-bye to me! And you call everyone but me!" she yelled and I flinched.

"I did call you but you refused to answer remember and I left you a bunch of messeges. I tried letting you know what was wrong but no you refused to know." I said hurt.

"Not everything is about you! Did you think at all about how we would feel if you left?" she asked

"All I thought about is getting out of there as fast as I can so I didn't actually kill you this time. Do you know how hard it was to see you passed out on the floor with bruises and cuts all over you that came from something that came outside of me? Do you know how hard it was that you wouldn't answer me to let me ask to see if you were okay. I know everything isn't about me. Why do you think I left? I left because if I ever hurt you guys again I would kill myself so I knew for sure you guys wouldn't be hurt by me. I know I should think about how you guys feel about it but I just made my mind and went with it. I love you guys too much to see you hurt." I said and saw she was already balling her eyes out and finally, finally she hugged me.

"I promise you I will never leave you guys again no matter what happens." I promised her.

"You should have seen Misael though. He was a walking statue. I honestly believe he has strong feelings for you." She said I laughed and blushed. I grabbed her arm again and pulled her back downstairs to the basement where everyone was glaring at me with their mouths closed.

"What?" I asked but no one answered. Oh I might have went to far with the whole 'Spirit stop them from saying anything bad about us' I asked for them to speak agin and started to channel my power for the big battle between Light and Darkness. We walked to the center of the floor, got some candles, white sage, and lavender to block out negative power. Then for the first time in a long time and right after I thought that the song from Frozen popped in my head. Ha! But anyways we circled up and we were all grinning like a little kid on christmas even though I don't celebrate christmas. We celebrate Yule. Look it up if you don't know what it is. And for the first time in a long time I finally feel at home.

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