Everyone's point of view

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Maia Mitchell as Alexa 

"I am really going to miss her." Alexa said while holding back a sob.

 "Guys this isn't like when I left she will still be close but not that close and if we need her all we have to do is call out to her element or just call her. And, we can just drive and see her. It's not a long drive and stop acting like she's dead for crying out loud!" Charlotte said to her friends who were acting like babies! She had to set them straight. After all she kind of owes that much.

"But we don't know when we are going to see her again. We might see her in a year or two years. You never know." Elisa said while hyperventilating. Charlotte went over to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her lightly.

"Calm down. Okay. Everything is fine. We are still all together. And she won't be far away. We can easily call her." Charlotte said. I said reassuringly. Her breaths calmed down and she nodded as with everyone else.

"Next topic for today. What do we do about Elisa's vision? You know with the whole us destruction then the whole world destruction?" Dalila asked. Charlotte signed then smiled at Dalila.

"Thank you. You always get right to the point which we kind of need right know. Gold star for the depressing unicorn." Dalila gives a creepy smile then sticks her tongue out in a funny way as a reply to Charlotte's comment and everyone laughs. Its good that the least they could do is laugh. Then everything gets serious again.

"We need to start channelling our powers and meditating. And yes I mean all of us. Even you, Elisa. No being lazy or lacking. This is serious. Life or death situation. Which means that there is no stopping no matter what. Okay?" Charlotte said. Everyone mumbled their okay's and Charlotte

  half expected Elisa to be glaring at her from that lazy comment. But she doesn't even seem to be listening. She's staring off in space. And Charlotte didn't even realise that she hasn't said anything since the whole Erica situation. Which is weird because she always has something to say. No matter what the topic or situation it is. It wasn't said or thought of in a mean way but a refreshing and nice way. Like its good to know some one actually cares or is at least listening. Charlotte went up to Elisa and sat down in front of her.

"Whats up? You okay? You seem distant and quiet which is really weird for you." Charlotte said. And finally Elisa looks up and says,

"All my life I have been back and forth from here to Mexico thousands of times and finally I get to stay in one place but it seems everyone is leaving now. When I actually get to stay. Like everyone is leaving me. And right now you guys are the closest thing I have to family and I don't want to lose you guys. But it seems like you are all moving on from me. Like I had my chance but I was always back and forth with Mexico. Its sad." she said. And Charlotte stares at her with wide eyes.

"Wow you have never been that deep before." Charlotte said. Clearly flabbergasted. Elisa blushed and wow this girl has changed, never in Charlotte

 's life has she seen Elisa of all people blush. Its amazing because she has always been there for all of us so now when she needs us the most we're all leaving. Well except for me. I own her so much and the least I could do is comfort my best friend.

"Hey. Its okay. I didn't mean it in a mean way. Tbh I kind of dig it. I like this new you." Charlotte gave her a cocky grin, got up, and held out her hand so Elisa can take it and follow her. When Elisa hesitated Charlotte gave an amused chuckle.

"Come on. Its okay. Its not like I'm going to make you feel worse. God knows that can't happen or I am going to take you to a room to kill you. What do you got to lose?" Charlotte said clearly still amused. Elisa shrugged and she took Charlotte's hand. They laughed and Charlotte pulled her all the way to the back of the house. Which by the way is far.

 Which by the way is far

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Kacey Rohl as Dalila

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