Beneath The Surface

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Namjoon-He is always such a nuisance, why can't he just leave?

Jin- Why does he have to be so annoying?

Yoongi- So noisy, won't he ever just shut up?

Hoseok- He does nothing but bring us down, when will he get it right?

Jimin- He keeps asking to hangout, when will he realize we hate him?

Jungkook- He wont stop trying to touch me, why can't he just disappear?

Kim Taehyung was the last member to join BTS. Although the other band members weren't to happy about having a new member, they still treated Taehyung decently. It's been a year now since then and their attitude toward him has gradually gotten worse over time. Leaving him out of any group activity, hitting him whenever they felt pissed at something, ect. They always kept up appearences at Fan meets and concerts though. Both Jimin and Jungkook stuck close to him and feigned a close friendship, always saying they were all great friends. Then ignoring him immediately after the event. This has been going on for a while now, slowly tearing him apart.


Why do they have to treat me this way?

What did I do to them? How can I fix it?

I want to be close, I want them to treat me the way they treat each other.

I know they don't like me, but I dont want to give up.

I can't give up, I don't want to break.

I always smile it away, the pain, the tears, the sadness, the fear.

I keep it to myself and smile hoping one day they will care for me like i do them.

Maybe they would'nt notice anyway.....maybe they would'nt care.

You see what I did with the names there 😉 just out tae in between jimin and jungkook 👍🏽

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