Chapter 15

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3rd POV

The dorm was quiet it had been for the past few weeks. If there was any noise it was small sniffles or outbursts caused by built up suppressed emotions. Like they were told none of the members went out except when it was time to practice not that they seemed to want to either.

Jimin and Jungkook found the slightest bit of comfort in each other and never separated. They spent most of their time in Tae's room they hadn't sleep in their own room since they found out he left. The sheets need to be washed after so long but they are scared it'll wash his scent away.

Hoseok went through stages before he reached his current state of regret. He denied and deflected, lashing out at the others. He even went crazy for a while when he started pretending none of it happened and Tae was still there.

Yoongi stayed in bed most of the day if he ever got up it was to use the bathroom or occasionally write in his book. Though he'd instantly lose the passion for it, frustrated he would go back to sleep.

Namjoon never really slept unless he passed out and he never ate unless the manager forced him to. He stayed in his studio looking through a book and a photo album that was given to him by Taehyung a while back.

Jin spent most of his time watching the others he felt like if he took his eyes off them they would disappear too. He also thought a lot about the times he noticed things about Taehyung but kept quiet. Like when Taehyung would always stare at Jimin and Jungkook for long periods of time and they would at him. Or how Namjoon, Hoseok, and even Suga would get mad whenever Tae's attention was focused on the two.


I knew. I knew how they all felt about each other and the reason things ended up so bad. Everyone was jealous and all of it fell onto Taehyung. He took the grunt of everything, it only made things worse that he never did anything about it.

He just smiled and seemed to instantly forgive what was done, like it didn't matter. Like... we weren't important enough to even care. Then I read that letter, I was wrong. I was so wrong, he did care he loved us and we drove him away.

The feelings of regret and sadness wont do anything to bring him back nor will it make anyone feel better. Not after what we know now and not after what we did all this time. Worst part is we thought we knew him without realizing we knew absolutely nothing at all.

We knew nothing about the pain he was baring this whole time all alone, us only making it worse. When I saw the bruises I did nothing...... Like always I did nothing. I guess I thought that since I wasn't doing anything major it was fine. I'm so stupid! I should've been better, done better but I can't change whats happened.

I Miss Him.

Namjoon POV

I've been sitting here looking at these pictures for the past.... I forgot how long, I'm not even sure what time it is. The days have seemed to pass uneventfully for a while now so even the date seems to have been forgotten.

Tae gave me this book for my birthday last year, it had pictures from a trip we all took to Hawaii. They are very beautiful and seemed to exude a certain sense of adoration and love. I look at other pictures taken of us quite often none seem to be as sincerely taken as these were.

They say every picture taken is telling a story both about the people in them and about the one who took them. They show how they see things, what it looks like from their view and these pitures gave off very loving feels.

While the people in them..... they're nothing but a lie. I only wish we were as perfect as we came off in these pictures. We always told Tae he was the problem but that couldn't be further from the truth. I wish I could take it all back.

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