Chapter 17

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Deciding on which POV to do was irritating me so I'm just not gonna put one till I feel like it😤.
Writing this in the clinic wait area. My throat is swollen my chest hurts and I have head ache ☠️😷.

We just arrived in London an hour ago and we've been waiting on the car to come pick us up. Apparently there was some mix up at the port and the driver picked up someone else.

We took it in stride and waited patiently for the man to return, trying to keep dull small talk going for as long as possible. Which was mainly only the hyung line putting in any effort at all.

The two maknae's weren't really speaking to them, they would only speak up when one needed to know something. Other than that they kept to themselves, they knew they were wrong but they couldn't help blaming the others for finally pushing Tae to leave that night.

Finally a man came toward them asking if they were 'BTS' motioning them in the direction of the car. They all entered the car Jungkook, jimin and Jin took the front row with the others took the back.

After a 40 minute drive from the airport they arrive at the hotel they'd be staying at. Getting out they all looked in awe of the building, it was so elegant looking. Most were sure they'd surely go broke after trying to stay even 2 days here.

They proceeded inside the building bags in hand thanking the gods their travel expenses where covered by the company. All of them were dressed quite nicely in airport fashion so they didn't feel too out of place.

Namjoon was already in line waiting to check is in, as the only who could speak fluent English we had to rely on him for things like this. As he stepped up to the counter and gave the man our reservation info the man asked him to step to the side and wait a minute before disappearing from the desk.

We all looked puzzled unsure of what to do so we just stood there. After around 5 minutes the man came back along with a man a women and a young girl who looked around kookie's age. The girls smile instantly grew when she saw them and darted toward them full speed.

Shocked Jin and jhope jumped so hard both ended up tripping over their luggage. They quickly got up off the floor still shook and extremely embarrassed. "Jhope oppa and Jin oppa are so silly" the girl said laughing (I think that's right just go with it).

"Sorry our daughter is a huge fan she demanded to meet you the second you arrived" the man and woman said smiling warmly. We relaxed understanding the situation now " well it's nice to meet you..." Jin said asking her name.

"Annabelle, Annabelle Morgan" she said eyes never leaving our area. "And you may call us Mrs. and Mr. Morgan" the couple said. The boys greeted them all bowing politely to show respect "Thank you for having us" we said in Korean

They replied the same shocking us a bit "oh yea feel free to speak Korean around us our close friends are Korean so we learned it and speak it fluently" Mr.Morgan said. "Can I show them up stairs?" Annabelle asked pleadingly to her parents.

"Sure but come straight back we leave in 15 minutes" Mrs. Morgan said knowing she wouldn't back down. "Yay ok come on your suite is at the top on the 3rd floor" she said excitedly waving for us to follow her into the elevator.

'Third floor wow this is all... amazing' they thought as they follow the bubbly girl showing them to their room. "Oh I almost forgot we are hosting a party downstairs later tonight. I'd be beyond happy if you all would attend." She said smiling brightly though something about her tone told us we didn't really have choice in the matter.

We all simply nodded feeling a little awkward at the sudden change in atmosphere. "Oh and don't worry most of the people attending are multilingual so you all should be able to mingle with everyone." She said returning back to her sweet tone. "It's Formal so dress nicely, see you there" she said waving us off.

"........That was something" yoongi said as soon as she was out of sight. "Yeah" we all mumbled in response still processing what happened. We opened the door to the room in front of us confused as to if we would all have to sleep in one room.

Our jaws dropped as we saw the room, grand marble floors that were lit by the wall of windows. We steadily walked in careful not touch anything that looked expensive, which was everything. Even walking on the floor seemed wrong so we all tip toed through.

Exploring the place we found 5 bed rooms and 3 full baths along with a screening room and office in the back. The kitchen, dining room and living room were all connected and stretched across a long wall. Forgetting our previous behavior we all started running through out all the rooms like kids hyped up on sweet tarts.

Once we exhausted every ounce of energy we had running around we all sat down together in the living room. "So, are we going?" Yoongi asked "Well it doesn't honestly feel like she gave us much of a choice despite the smile on her face" namjoon replied. "Y-yeah" hoseok said "It was kinda scary" he shuddered.

"Then let's decide on rooms" Jin said "Yea someone's going to have to share wanna play a game?" Namjoon said "I'm sharing with kookie we'll pick whichever" jimin said getting up and walking towards the back, kookie following quickly behind him.

"This is becoming a problem" yoongi said looking down the hall "Can you blame them?" Hoseok said getting up and walking into the closest room available. "Guess we just get a room" Jin said removing the somber look on his face with a sad smile.

Jimin POV
Later on we got a call from the front desk letting us know when the party started. We didn't expect to only have an hour to get ready, everyone raced to shower and change quickly.  Styling their hair as best they could in such a short amount of time.

With Namjoon hyung leading we all followed down stairs to the ballroom with the line of people outside of it hoping that was the right one. We knew we were wrong when we heard a bunch of people talking about how great of a wedding it was.

Luckily we spotted Annabelle coming down the stairs with a boy who kinda looked like her. "OH! Your here" she said spotting us. "Yea thanks for inviting us" I said. We all looked at the boy staring a bit in awe at how handsome he was.

"This is my my brother Dickie, ain't he handsome" she said poking him in the stomach every time she spoke. He softly removed her hand bowing his head as a greeting, we did the same. "Come on we're in this room" she said walking further down than we previously were.

Once the doors opened the deafening noise of chatter could be heard bouncing off the walls. When we turned the siblings had disappeared into the crowd, leaving us standing awkwardly. We tried moving a bit into the crowd to not seem so out of place.

A few people recognized us a started up conversations, in Korean at that so talking was easy. After an hour of mingling and snacking on the food everyone went quiet as the doors opened and the crowed parted in two.

We moved to the front to see what was going on, only in enough time to see the back of a taller mans head followed by security. Curious about the new guests everyone was so interested in we all kept close.

"Ah, Sehun finally your here" a man said "Yes finally sorry the rest of my family couldn't attend, their were many things going on" the man named Sehun replied. "Taehyung can't believe it's you, you've grown into quite the handsome young man huh." Someone said.

'Taehyung?......It couldn't be' I moved to the side just enough to wiggle my face through a few people to check. Being successful in my mission I caught a glimpse of the two objects of conversation. I immediately darted backwards bumping into the other members harshly.

"What the heck jimin, why did you do that?" Namjoon hyung whisper yelled. I stayed quiet for a minute, mouth ajar waiting for the words to finally find their way out.


Yea soooo I had an allergic reaction to something I ate yesterday which is causing my throat to swell. Like I can barely breath but I got some stuff to help today so I figured I'd try to finish this before I pass out. Just lucky I didn't get the flu again this year. Enjoy💕

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