Chapter 1

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So basically I read one VxBTS fanfic and was hooked. Feels like kinda wrong sometimes that Tae is my bias but I choose to read stories about how the members mistreat him. Like what the hell is wrong with me I think I just enjoy it when the members realize how important he is, that kind of feeling I suppose. OR. I'm just an angst whore over here can't get enough of the crying and anger I feel when I read it. My gosh , just enjoy the book ok. Also warning there will be self-harm and depression mentioned in the story. Enjoy <3

3rd POV

"Guys it's starting come on!" Jungkook said. You could hear quick steps coming from upstairs, the group was having movie night since tomorrow was a off day. They all crowded themselves into the living room, finding spots on the couch cuddling together.

All but one who was still in his room, bandaging the bruises he received that afternoon from Hoseok pushing him during practice. Supposedly because he kept messing up, Taehyung knew that was an excuse but still thought he needed to improve.

He was finally finished treating his wounds so he decided to go join the members down stairs. Walking down the stairs he could hear the low chatter and giggles. He wanted to be apart of that too he thought, but as soon an he stepped foot into the room all the noise died out except for the TV.

He could feel the glares but he just smiled in return and began walking toward the last space on the couch when Yoongi stretched his feet out.

Still receiving glares from everyone Taehyung spoke up "U-um Yoongi hyung can I sit there?" he said smiling as genuinely as possible. "No" he replied coldly, Tae could hear junkook and jimin chuckling slightly on the other end of the couch.

He ignored it and sat on the floor, as the movie went on he could hear the others whispering amongst themselves. Finally Jin spoke up "It's getting pretty late and I'm tired I'm going to bed". The others followed behind him saying the same, leaving Taehyung by himself.

He couldn't help but feel hurt, once in the security on his room he broke down crying against the door. He hugged his knees and rubbed his chest till his sobs were reduced to sniffles. He stood up wiping his face with his sleeve and then headed towards the dresser beside his bed. He took a bottle of pills from it and swallowed two, falling back onto the bed in hopes of falling asleep quickly.

After an hour of lying there he could finally feel himself drifting off when he hear footsteps outside his door along with a few quiet giggles. When it was gone he went to investigate and found the members back in the living room watching a movie.

Taehyung couldn't even fully comprehend the feelings he had at that moment but he knew they were similar to ones he had every time they excluded him from things or hit him. Though recently they were becoming very tiring, draining on his mental state and there was always that pain in his chest that would never really leave but settle into a numb ache.

He quietly returned to his room crying silently he laid down on his bed rubbing his chest trying to make the pain go away. It wasn't working it honestly felt like it was getting worse so he started clawing at it, digging his nails into the skin and pulling down. It hurt a bit but he realized the pain from before was gone and heavily sighed in relief, letting sleep take him.

'I know they hate me'

'I know but I need them'

'I need them with me'

'I don't like them hurting me'

'But I don't want to break'

Gosh I don't know how authors do it writing is so hard but still pretty fun. I had the idea and everything but actually trying to take that idea and write it is hard lol. I tried so hope you enjoy it.

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