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Rebirth was the only Recourse......

Finally it was time....They had been reluctant for the whole week to deal with the situation. Isadora didn't talk to any of her friends or do anything to prepare for her departure. She only packed up her clothes and some of her mementos.She also helped Ilena pack all of her clothes and all of the mementos that she wanted to take with her to thier new home.But it was time for them to finally leave their old home that they grew up in, the only place they'd ever known, and go to an alien place with Semi-Alien people they hadn't even known or heard before of to go and lead brand new "great" lives. She had felt like their futures seemed so auspicious Just two weeks before the horror, now everything was just dense with the fog of unpredictability. They were all equally terrified. She could feel Isaacs fear as well as Ilenas. Issac was trying to block her but his fear was too strong. He didn't know what was going to happen, would he get his well deserved scholarships? He didn't know, he knew that he worked very hard on all that he was going to acquire the next year and hell, he knew it wasn't easy. He was terrified that all of his dreams that he had and that his parents had for him was slipping through his fingers, and So did she. Their lives were over as they knew it as far as they were concerned. They were so worried, would they even fit in at this new place. They felt that They were very advanced for someplace like this small hick town that thier grandparents and uncles had described, it all sounded to be too much so for them to end up in the dumb place that they were going to. They were from the city, Would this place be all backwards and country? For that matter would they even care? They were stuck in real life limbo for the next nine months as far Isadora could tell.
So many questions were running through their minds, and Isadora was becoming frantic, She could feel the extreme panic rising in her chest. Fear was pumping through her heart. "It's all gonna be okay Bibby, no matter what happens. I swear, I won't let anything happen to you, or Lenny." He grabbed her hand and as the flight attendant walked past Issac stopped her and requested a sprite. He could feel her. She was nervous and her throat was so dry, she just wanted a drink more than anything. "Get out of my head Bub." He smiled at her, He was telling her things that he wasn't even sure of himself. He just wanted her to feel safe and secure. "I just wanna take care of you Bibby, you and Bunny. That's always been my job...always will be." okay, thanks Bub, but you don't need to be there right now okay? I just want a little space just like you." She smiled back. She realized that her brother wanted to be her one and only confidant in this new place and She could depend on him solely.... But the question was, was it fair to him? He needed to have something for himself as well.She wasnt gonna suffocate him with her fears and insecurities.
Finally after countless hours of travel, they made it to their new world. Isadora could feel the chill in the air. Of course Boston got cold, but this was a different kinda cold. But the sky looked kind of beautiful, the air was really brisk. It was like a cold and sudden rush of windy air. But she could see the real beauty and warmth in the place as well,the sun was warm on her face. There were so many spacious green hills, and the trees were plentiful,and captivating. There was so much space it was crazy. In Boston everyone was so close to each other. They lived in a nice sized home, but it was very close with no kind of spaces for yards,really small yards. But This place.... was amazing. But the most spectacular beauty was the ocean, it was surreal. Magnificent large waves were hitting big beautiful charcoal shaded rocks. The beach was long and so hauntingly beautiful, with tan and dark brown shades of wavy sand. She saw a couple of people walking by the water, but it looked really brisk and the water seemed kind of rough. Despite all of that, It was beautiful scenery, like a picture on a postcard. On the other side of the bridge was a cute little harbor with boats and some really big yachts. And then there was a cute little blue and red boat next to all of the others that kind of stood out from the rest because of the bright colors. The little boat was some kind of touring whale watching boat, she liked it. But almost missed next to that was one other boat that was just as cute, it was white with yellow stripes,it seemed a little smaller...but just as capable. She made a mental note of going whale watching one day, since she had to live in this place she was gonna make the best of it she guessed. The whole place was a bit surreal, the beauty of it was actually kind of calming. She started to feel a little less stressed, just a little. Issac looked at her and smiled, and she smiled back. There he was trying to get into her head again, it was comforting, but too dependable.She needed to learn to block better she thought. Isaac frowned, he could feel that too.she smiled and giggled a bit to herself. They pulled slowly into a long winding road, and there were so many trees along the sides of the road. from the road you couldnt tell really how long it would take to get to the actual place.
When they finally got to their destination She couldn't believe her eyes. It was a giantic, beautiful house on a hill. There was vast land surrounding it, big sprawling trees, and lush green grass everywhere. In the distance you could see a field of colorful wildflowers, and beyond that was alot dense woody area. And then there was this giant three story home. It was so amazing, It was almost a mansion it was so big.. It reminded her of a bed and breakfast that their parents had once taken them to one summer. It was supposed to be to reconnect them as a family again, a sort of mini vacation. She and Issac had complained the entire time about how much they hated it, and how they just wanted to be back with their friends hanging out. She instantly felt a strong pang of guilt. Their daddy just wanted to take Issac fishing and spend time with them as a family. She was glad that they had that memory, even if it was tainted by thier bad behavior.It was probably their dad missing his childhood home.

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