Chapter Four Growing into a Groove

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Although so much had happened and gone on in their lives in such a short amount time. In a matter of weeks they went from a normal high school life to the death of thier parents, to moving to an unknown place and having to learn an entirely new and different world that they didnt even realize existed. They equally were ready to find normalcy in their lives, and although they were very unsure what the future even held for them, They needed something to hold onto at the moment. They knew no matter what that their parents would want them to go for the goals that they had originally planned for themelves. They both had plans for college, and even though Issa wanted to do other things beside college she was determined to make her parents proud by doing what they wanted for her now that they were gone. She needed to make them proud of her. They decided that going back to school was the best idea even if it could be dangerous.maybe it could get their minds of off everything that was going wrong in their lives and they needed to graduate and they needed school as a refuge of sorts.
They talked to thier grandparents and Stellan and Dunia thought that it was a great idea, but let them know that the school, just like the town was filled with kids that were just like them...magical."like hogwarts or something?" Issa asked in confusion. Stellan and Dunia laughed. "No honey, its a regular school and magic isnt practiced at all at the school. its just like any other school in the country." They both exhaled in relief. They'd had enough crazy stuff going on already they just wanted to go to school and finish what they had to do and be done."We dont anticipate any crazy stuff happening at the school, but we do want you to know all of the kids that are magical so you guys can have the knowledge because the school also has just regular kids" Said Stellan. Isadora and Issac went right back to confusion and irritation. "We've invited them over tonight with thier families for a small get together." said Dunia. Isadora dropped her shoulders in exhaustion. "I'm just so tired of all of this really, why do we have to meet even more people? I just want to go back to our old life where we knew everyone already and I was just happy." She realized what she'd said and covered her mouth. Her grandparents looked very sad. Issac had began to cry without even realizing it and was immediately taken aback by the sadness. "Issa you can't keep it all inside, but Please control yourself because your projecting unto me." He left and went outside to have a breath and also to get away from Issa so he couldnt feel her for awhile. She wasn't controlling her emotions very well lately and he was getting all of her stuff and his too and it was overwhelming. He loved her and Ilena more than anything in the world now, but he couldn't take on her emotions and his as well.Crying out of nowhere was not something he wanted to be doing front of people. He needed her to quit projecting so she didnt have to feel her pain. He had enough of his own pain to deal with. She came outside a few minutes later and he felt a bit of irritation. He just wanted to by himself and he hadnt felt that peace since his last football game, he got that serenity on the field. "I'm so sorry bub, I didn't mean to do that to you, it's really hard to control all of the stuff we are going through right now. I feel like it's just been too much for me and again I am so sorry. But brother I will try to do better for you and for Ilena as well, I understand how you feel too and so I will try my hardest to control myself." Said Isadora as she sat next to him on the bench on the porch. "I don't want you to cut me off again like before okay? I swear I'll back off. I know you need to get away from me sometimes. She said pleading. He took a deep breath, "okay Bibby, i'm sorry too. We have the same feelings and I know how you feel so I wouldn't dare cut you off right now, or ever. We are twins and probably the only ones like us so we need to have each others backs because we are the only ones who know how we really feel...and our grandpa." He shrugged. they both laughed a little and he hugged his sister closely to reassure her. He could feel her worry ease and contentment arise within the both of them like an aura of florescence that surrounded them, they felt serene,together. It was broken up by their little sister coming out hugging them as well. "I wanna hug too!"said Ilena sadly. "Hey, we love you so much lenny." Said Issac, and he hugged her tightly. They were all happy even if for a moment.
Later that night people began arriving to meet them. Of course Issa, Issac and felt weird about about the crazy situation like why couldn't they meet under normal circumstances like regular people? There were at least families not the kids. Some of them had siblings the same age as Lenny and she was so happy to see kids her age. Issa thought to herself that Lenny was ready already to go back to school and resume her life too. she wished that she could be as flexible as a seven year old. But the grandparents were very loving towards her and she was very open to it. Not that Issa wasnt open to their love, but she couldnt get her parents off of her mind,and was it betrayal to just move on and forget and live her best life wasnt it? Maybe, she thought, that it was because she was older. It was as much people as it was at the funeral, they had seen at least half of them at the funeral, but not the kids.They felt so uncomfortable, People were introducing their kids to them like they were royalty or something, it was kind of embarrassing to them. Issa could feel her brothers uncomfortability rise.She decided to do something."Hey everyone we are just regular kids thrown into the most weird situation that we are trying to understand. It'd be cool if everyone, all of the adults just allowed us kids to mingle and like figure stuff out on our own, if thats okay?" she yelled a little over the crowd as politely as she could. Her grandparents smiled at her and so did some of the kids. They began to usher them out of the Barn where all of the kids were. Finally the kids were alone without crazy supervision or them pushing the kids into awkward situations, it was already awkward enough.
They all just stood around looking really shy, but Just then walked in two beautiful girls, Identical, chocolate complected with beautiful coal black hair down their backs. They had almond shaped big brown eyes so dark that they were almost black and hauntingly beautiful. But one in particular pulled Issac in. "Twins like us Issac." Issa whispered. She could feel Issac connecting to one of the girls on some strange ass level. She decided to shut herself off from whatever that was. She felt uncomfortable feeling what he was feeling. Sometimes she had to they were teenagers after all. But she saw the look in both of their eyes. Issac grabbed Issa's hand and practically drug her and bee lined it over to the twins. Isadora was amazed by the sight of another set of twins, they were the only ones at least in this area of the world. "Hi, I'm Issac" He said almost in a whisper, never taking his eyes off of the one twin in particular. She finally broke eye contact with him first to look at Issa. He was disappointed. "Hi,my name is taijiri, and this is my sister Taraji. I am sure that your surprised to see another set of twins. especially when its been told to you that there arent anymore just you. Its so dumb really." She smiled at Issac, a shy, sweet smile. And then her sister spoke, "Yeah, and these are our brothers," She pointed at a cocoa complected young man who looked like he could be their triplet, "His names Ozain." and then the other one was significantly larger than the other younger brother. He looked like a football player maybe. "Thats Kenzo our baby brother." "Nice to meet you guys." Issa and Issac looked at him in awe. He was at least six feet five, and so burly. Issac had to ask, "Are you on the team?" "yeah i am, are you planning on joining?" "Oh, yeah!" Issac had a smile as wide as the cheshire cat "whose your guys' quarterback? asked Issac. "Well we had a good quarterback ,but he was injured so its open what do you play?" Asked Kenzo. "well I just happened to be a quarterback at my last school, but ive playing since I was about seven or eight years old so i've been a wide receiver also a runningback so I play all of those positions, but i love being a quarterback." He smiled with confidence. Issa could feel the confidence and pride beaming from him. He was trying to boast for taijiri. She seemed to love it. Isadora was so grossed out by Issacs blatant display of grandstanding. He was like a peacock. "Well, im Isadora nice to meet you guys. I dont think I have met anyone here except him and that guy over there." She pointed at Zephyr and Xander. "Well you wanna meet some more people?" Ozain stepped up, "Well, I can help you at least with some of them. I'm older than most of the kids here. Zephyr and I are the same age, hes a little younger thats why hes a senior in high school and ive graduated already. But we are best friends." he smiled and pointed to Zephyr and waved. Zephyr looked at him with an annoyed face, but came over with his siblings. He looked at Ozain with a side eye."This is Zane and Zion, Zephyrs little brothers, and this is Zephenya, she goes to school with you guys." "Thanks man, so glad that you felt the need to introduce my entire family, thats why we are best friends." He gave a fake smile. Zion and Zane ran up to Ozain and gave him a hug. They were little kids, but the craziest part was there were yet again another set of twins. "Hi, it's nice to meet you im zephenya. im sure that my sweet brother didnt tell you that we had twins too, did he?" She could see Issas surprise."I feel like we have at least a small advantage over Mr.Thorne, twins are extremely strong and our siblings are strong as well even though they are young. Not as strong as you guys of course,, but really strong. We will defeat him" Issa had almost forgotten about Romero. Issac could feel her tension building so he changed the subject. "What grade are you guys all in? We are seniors, is the school good? We have, or had scholarships." He felt disappointed about that last statement. "Oh, our school is one of the top schools in the country!" said taijiri smiling. She looked at Issac like he was her beginning and her end. Isadora couldnt understand how she could act like she liked someone so much that she'd just met and Issac as well. "May I meet your parents tai??" Issac asked softly. everyone was surprised that he'd called her Tai. "Yes" whispered Taijiri. She grabbed his hand swiftly and led him to her parents. The entire time that they were walking away they couldnt stop staring at each other. When they were out of sight Ozain spoke. "Looks like they've found their inomorata. Its not an easy thing to do to be honest. Your inomorata could be in a whole other country, wow.... " "Or right in front of your face." said Zephyr Quietly "so young. Lucky." Ozain sighed. So thats whats going on issa thought of herself. "Well, it looked pretty natural to me. Looks like You and i better become besties cause we will be spending alot of time together... afterall they are our twins. Said Taraji. Issa laughed a little until she glanced at Zephr. He was starring at her like he was in a trance. It was starting to feel like she was being hypnotized by his eyes. They were like a dream almost. "Bibby!! Bibby!!" She finally paid attention to her baby sister, "huh? bunny?" She asked Lenny. "Grandma says its time to come and eat!!" Issa was so confused by what had just happened with Zephyr. But shook it off and went in to talk to her grandmother.

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