Chapter Three

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knowing the new nemesis..

Isadora awoke the next morning with a start. Instantly she remembered all that occurred the night before. Who the heck were those people, and why, and also what was it that happened to her and Issac. Issac. She jumped up to see him at the foot of her bed sleeping, She relaxed. She was so glad that they weren't connected anymore because he was able to sleep and not feel all of her fears at that moment, but at the same time she was more panicky when it came to him because she could no longer feel if he was okay.
She got up to go and do her morning chores, but she also wanted some answers if she could get any. She could remember when her parents didn't have her do anything around the house. She would do certain things if her mom asked her to do particular things, but most times her and Issac lived a pretty carefree existence when it came to things like house chores. It felt kind of nice to be valued there as part of something so big. Like if she didn't get up and help with the horses that Thunder as well as the rest would suffer. They needed her, and also her grandparents needed her to help run the ranch perfectly, at least that is what her weird mind told her. She got up and got dressed quickly. She couldn't wait to get all of the gross chores done so that she could spend some quality time with Thunder. The more time she spent with him the more friendly he became towards her. She liked the other horses, but she was falling in love with Thunders personality. He was a sweet horse when time was spent with him she thought. She could tell that every time that she came into the barn his eyes would light up. He was glad to see her. She felt important to him. That made her feel so happy. She guessed that it was time to learn to ride. Maybe they could bond even more. She took care of Thunder and brushed his mane,she could feel him some how. She knew that he so excited to see her, and he was so calm while she was brushing him.... but also she felt his sadness when she left. It was a weird sensation and she wondered if this was a new gift from being whatever it was that her and Isaac were.
Isadora went into the house to have breakfast and maybe, finally she could get some answers.
She went into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast nook, while Her grandmother stood at the stove preparing eggs,and Ilena already had a small plate of pancakes chowing down. Once everyone got to the table Isadora knew that it was time. "Soooo, about last night crazy right?" She looked around the table to see who would speak first. Everyone just glanced at each other in silence. "seriuosly? noones gonna address the weirdness that was last night? I know for sure that it wasnt a dream." "What happened? Man,I always miss everything!" said Ilena. Thier grandparents, axel, and pistol her uncles were all at the table. She if knew that if her uncle trick was there this would be a whole different scenerio. "Can we have breakfast first little lady? Asked stellan with a smile, "Last night took alot out of all of us." Issa just nodded. Breakfast first, but she wasn't going to forget if that's what they thought.
Everyone started eating. Then they talked about what they needed to do on the ranch for the day. Isadora was starting to become inpatient. They could see it on her face
"Isadora, Isaac I would like to discuss what happened at the store. Isaac I would love for you to help with some inventory just for today." Isaac was very cheerful and unbothered when he nodded. Issa was confused. Was he even worried about the situation of craziness that happened the night before she thought.She felt like she was the only one concerned about everything.
after Isaac did his chores grandMother and grandfather and the two of them went to town to the store where Xander Their grandmothers employee was standing outside with one of his friends. He was a tall guy with shoulder length brown curly hair and bronze skin Isadora found him very handsome,although he seemed like he may have some kind of an attitude. It was like she was drawn to him in a way.
It was something and it became stronger as they came closer in proximity to the boys. "This is my buddy Zephyr, he came to help with the inventory, you asked me to get one of my friends who may need the work." Said Xander as He looked directly at Issa and smiled."Hi Xander, Hi Zehyr!" said Ilena and Zephyrs face changed. He looked so nice for five seconds. Issa smiled at Xander and Zephyr looked at the both of them and smirked. Issa wondered what his problem. After all of the pleasantries They went in And began to work.For some reason Watching Zephyr work took Issa's mind off of the night before for awhile. She was very curious about this boy, he seemed very intriguing. Then her grandmother spoke, "Yes, guys, we will be here all day and part of the night, I only get shipments in twice a year, so Zephyr hope your ready to work hard.But dont worry, you will be paid very nicely and you can take your girl out on the town and have fun. He half smiled "Yes ma'am, but I dont have a girl.I help out at home with my younger siblings alot with my odd jobs.I might take my little brothers to see a movie or something." when he spoke for the first time His voice was very deep and velvety. Issa felt a shiver go over body, but she realized that she was kind of acting weird about him. Her grandmother gave him a sweet smile. "Well guys on the bright side we will have the best pizza party ever!" Said Dunia. Everyone but the twins and Zephyr yelled a sarcastic yay! "Let's get back to work!" Said their grandfather and smacked his hands together. The day went into the night and they all really did work very hard,Issa didnt think that she ever worked that hard doing anything in her life. It was long and exhausting work. Unpacking boxes, looking at ledgers and putting information into the computer. It was tedious work especially since Isadora and Isaac were very new at the job.
Finally everything was put on the shelves in its correct place and put into the storage area. They even got the all of the merchandise that was for sale marked for price. Isadora was very worn out from the long day, but her thoughts still went to last night. She really wanted to understand what that was that occurred. She sat down in the storage room on a box going over the night before over and over again. But then someone walked in, " Hey, you aren't done in here are you? " said a deep smooth voice, it was Zephyr and Chills ran down her back. Who was this guy? She couldn't understand it. "Oh I'm just thinking is all." She jumped up abruptly. "See you later, I mean bye, I mean..." She suddenly became speechless. Her entire face became hot. Zephyr just smiled at Her a half crooked smile with giant deep dimples. She could feel her face becoming flushed. She felt so embarrassed that she just ran from The room to where everyone else was enjoying pizza and soda. They all looked at her puzzled. "What's up Issa?" Asked Issac. " oh nothing, boxes are heavy and I'm beat. " She said wearily,trying to sound unsuspicious.
Maybe they would learn about the night before she thought finally. She was ready and then suddenly she could feel Isaac around her. It was a warm cozy blanket. He was requesting to come into her mind. It was mostly so when they received what information they received it would be together he told her. So She let him in. She thought that he must feel uneasy about the information they were about to receive, so She allowed the mind meld.
Suddenly she could feel the fear that he was feeling. Isaac was feeling fear alot lately,which she felt made alot of sense, but how did she not feel this fear before? She wondered when he'd learned to be so advanced with their gift without her knowledge. They'd been separated only those days. He was now feeling very nervous and she could feel it all. She really couldn't concentrate on Isaac she was too nervous herself in what they would learn. But then she could feel Isaac being amused. He knew why she'd walked into the room all weird. She gave him a stern scowl.He just half smiled. Dunia came into the room and paid Xander and Zephyr for their work for the day. "Thanks alot guys for the day you boys did a phenomenal job today. and Zephyr if your looking for a job come talk to me tomorrow morning okay?" He smiled " yes ma'am. I definitely will." Issac gave Issa a glance and smiled at her knowingly. That boy was coming back huh?
"See everyone tomorrow then.... Bye Issa." Said Xander to Issa in particular but smiled at everyone. Zephyr said good bye to everyone but didn't really look anyone in the eyes except Dunia and Ilenas. Ilena smiled and waved. Issa smiled at Xander, but kind of half smiled at Zephyr,he didnt even look at her all and really She felt disappointed and she didnt even know why. Finally after locking up, and sending Lenny home with her uncle Axel, they followed their grandmother into the room where she did her readings. They all sat down together, Dunia and the twins. Issac looked around as if he were in outter space. Issa had to laugh a little."As you guys have already surmised that man last night was a person that we all know, but he's extremely evil. He was trying to use the power harness to his advantage. He knows you two have no idea how strong you are right now, how powerful. He knows your very young and open to suggestion, he wants to manipulate you."
She smiled but her eyes showed a level of sadness and worry.
"His name is Romero Thorne. And a very long time ago he was very close to both of your parents,they went to school he was a resident of the town over from this one. The town is filled with very affluent families. People are well to do over there. whereas we are just plain folks over here. But his father lost all of their fortune. so despite them coming from nice holsum families with a history and money. They were broke and had a stain of Ill repute. He was labelled an outcast because of that. He wasn't able to go to the elite private schools like they did over there and People Who were once his friends turned their noses up at them. so his mother who came from here decided to put him and his sister in school in this town. every kid over here excepted him, but that just wasn't enough for him. He only grew close to Blaze at first.
Then slowly came to care about Charisma,then they became like the three musketeers.But then his hatred grew for the people in that town. He told your mom and dad that he was  growing tired of trying to act like everything was alright. His full fledged alcoholic father had been very abusive when he drank. He beat the poor children and he abused their mother as well. But he took most of his frustration out on Romero, he really hated his youth.
Romero slowly became a person without feeling except for his love for your parents. He loved them so very much,or so he thought. They really tried hard to save him, the more that they tried the more combative he became towards them. He finally became a monster right before their eyes doing evil things to hurt people and then finally he killed his own father. It was said that in a drunken rage his father tried to fight him again and he killed him in self defense, but we dont know now if that was a true story. After that happened I didn't see him anymore he disappeared. And I feel at that point there was no more good left in him. I heard of his violence and his crazy ideas and it was hard to believe that he once sat at my dinner table and I didn't suspect anything. I felt like I should've known. He had This idea that he was a magical messiah or something. He felt like he alone should run the magical world and that he would make right all that happened in his life, kinda like he deserved that right. He knew about the E.Y.E. Organization so when he was younger before he turned completely he tried to integrate himself into that but it didn't work. The people who run that are elders and they weren't going to let some dumb youngster come into the E.Y.E. And run anything.
Then later he tried to use violence and intimidation tactics, but that didn't work either. He even went so far as to say it was his birth right. He just wanted power at any cost. He didn't try to harm Calista or Blaze he wanted to love them, they were the only ones that he ever said that he loved from his own lips. They were safe.......until you were born. He knew the prophecy as well as any other necromancer across the globe. He thought that was the reason why he was so close to your parents because first you it wasn't love at all. And you were gonna be the strongest witches ever born. And that was the day when he decided that his best friends in the entire world would become his enemies. By then his heart was as black as coal. He didn't care about anything but power, and how much that he could derive from the two of you. That's when your parents decided to cut ties and leave here. We wish that they would've realized that being here was the safest place to be.
A couple of years passed and they contacted us and made sure that we were all doing good and wanted us to know that they were okay. Blaze knew that Romero had found them but he wasn't pouncing so they thought that he did care for them and wouldn't hurt them, but by then they'd built a life and a careers there. He never thought that Romero was biding time until you two were older. They had a plan to send you two to college and come back here to live finally. The very night of your parents death they were going to talk to you about everything, blaze had told me. Romero that you'd come here, so he now he's gotten rid of your parents and now he wants to take and control you and and use you." She told them. "Wait what? He killed our parents?" Yelled Issa through
Their grandmother held Issas hand to calm her. "Yes honey we tried to stop him, that's how your uncle was there so quickly, he went to try to stop him and help them, but I saw the premonition to late. Their guard was down. Now Romero is a monster with no feeling at all. The little boy that we knew, that sweet, lovable, quiet child is gone for good. Now there's only the great Romero Thorne and his followers that he's created over the years, and he's acquired them from all over the world. Now he's just a cold blooded psychopathic tyrant. He's coming for you two so we all have to fight this so that we can to stop him before he gets to far." "What can we really do?" Asked Issac "It's your bond" said Stellan their grandpa.
"Your Bond isn't average at all like what most twins experience. All twins have a sort of psychic type of bond that comes from just being twins in the womb. Being created and born together with exact DNA creates an amazing connection between them that really only death can sever. But to be magical and be twins doesn't really happen to be honest. When it does happen it's truly a blessing, the children come straight from the Goddesses it's been told. They have gifts that surpass any other normal sorcerers gifts. In our complete history there has only been handfuls of twins and there are all kinds of tales about them that we will teach you guys about. But there hasn't been a set of twins in about One hundred- fifty years or so with this special gift. It was told that they aged extremely slow and so did their partners, maybe that was a gift that was just given to them. We aren't sure, but once they were gone everyone was waiting for the next set of twins with the gift.there are other twins but its very rare for witches, and even more rare for you two to exist.
The other set of twins in history harnessed the power of three separate blessing powers. They kind of had a lampiralla type of power, but they chose evil over good and were destroyed early in their lives. They felt like they were superior to mere humans and they didn't have to follow the rule and the regulars found out about witches so the war began and they were murdered along with a lot of innocent witches.
But there were folktales of twins to be born with a bond so strong, stronger than any witch or wizard in history and they are going to turn this world upside down." Stellan hesitated "your bond isn't ordinary like regular twin bonds are. It's so powerful that it could be harnessed for good or..." he paused once more. "You have the strength and will power to dominate the world right here." He pointed at Issacs chest lightly. But also to be leaders and get rid of the man who is trying to ruin the future of the witches lives as well as the human race. He's trying to destroy the little peace that we have with them. Regulars can be so evil and nasty and would like us to stay in the world as fairytales, and old folklore. They wage wars on everything and everyone that they can't understand and we are not those people, we are spiritually peaceful. We don't want to use our powers to hurt anyone or anything. So let's try to keep harmony right?"
"Well that sounds wonderful, but he killed our parents that's a problem." Said Isaac. And Isadora began to cry. Stellan couldn't handle it. "Excuse me for a moment guys." He left the room and went out to the store selling area. He felt their pain so deeply that he almost broke down in front of them. Between his pain and their pain it was almost too much to bare. his gift of empathy was too strong.
Their grandmother continued the conversation "He did that to try and break you. He waited until you two were almost adults and took them from you. He wanted you to come here back to where it all started, where you are from! He believes that he will have access to you, but he's forgotten one important detail. Us. We always knew somehow some way you'd be back here. I could always see it, our family connection is very strong. I couldn't see how but I could see you being here." Dunia lowered and shook her head. "We have so many on our side a well, we also have E.Y.E on our side. It's our organization. She told them. "E.Y.E. Eye? Said Issa "Yes it's the Escoteric Yield of the Ensocelled. In the organization they know the identity of every single gifted person in this country, and some other countries as well. Of course they have their own Chapters, but it's like the secret service for the wizards of the world. They keep their identities safe, and they also keep them the ones out there in the world safe from those regular humans. Their names as well as their special gifts are recorded into the archives. We have generations of archives since the time only Natives ruled here and were the only magical people here. They know everyone's family tree. The natives were all magical and organic. Romero would love to get his hands on that information, but he didn't realize how guarded that information was. He tried working at the E.Y.E. To obtain information but it didn't work, they just don't allow everyone to have clearance into every department. He figured it would be a long process and he didn't have the patience for that type of commitment. He went in to his plan B we guessed. But not before trying to get his hands on some confidential forms and being caught.
He would love to know all of the information that they have collected over centuries. He cannot, his knowledge as far as we can surmise goes a far as this city and as far as he's searched on his own, just through others who desire to live their lives in the darkness. They have connections some of his people.
We also know of his sister but she doesn't follow him. She was the woman who came here the other day to my shop. I know that she knows things because of my abilities, but she's learned to block a lot of it. She doesn't want it involve herself in any of it, but at the same time she doesn't want to betray her brother. I really don't know if she comes for her own personal problems or is she a spy for her brother. But her husband is definitely abusing her and that is all that I really know for sure." Said Dunia. "I am sure there are many who follow him now. Hopefully there aren't a lot but we have been watching very closely, and it seems to be a good amount. So don't worry we will protect you two as best as we can for sure. Your power. It's been described once as an energy that lies inside of your connected souls. Because of your extreme connection it's one of the strongest powers in the world. It's almost like your pure life force expands outside of yourselves. Pure energy. You can use this to protect yourselves, and others. But it can also be used as a weapon of mass destruction. The effects could be as strong as a nuclear weapon. It's truly that strong so you have to be very careful and also one thing to remember... It will only work if you are together as one heart and one mind. You cannot use this against each other or without the other agreeing to use it. It's The Gods gift to the Both of you, you have to use it wisely." She smiled at the both of them, they smiled back at her and looked at each other with uncertainty. Its strong and GOD given and thats how you know that your gift is given not to be used for evil"
"It's okay, you are equipped to handle what's been given to you.
The prophecy that twins would be born in the magical world harnessing these gifts, well it was unbelievable in itself. When you two were born it was as if a miracle occurred. When you were first born we kept you all to ourselves. I delivered you myself, but somehow, some way Romero still found out. But now so much has changed and you guys are all Grown up and now everyone can see. All of the sorcerers bad magical creatures can see. We see auras and things that regulars cannot see. Like lights and energy. We use just a little more of our brain than they do. Our inner aura shows a lot and the more gifted you are the more that you can see. Oracles like me." Said their grandma, but then she lowered her head and her smile faded. " Romero, I can see is very strong and gifted... I can see it. He didn't used to be this powerful either he learned some new things or did something to acquire this power because evil radiates from him now and he isn't trying to hide it. A lot of times they've delved into some really dark really dark. I have to admit that you two have a real on your hands." Isaac could see the fear in her eyes, her eyes flooded with darkness. He could feel Issa's fear even more prominently. Her heart was becoming dark, it was as if in his minds eye he could see her becoming from a vivacious red to a violet, and then a purple. He had to stop it before it was black or grey. "Issa it will be okay. We are going to win this for the magical world. But most importantly for mom and dad." He tuned into her mind so that she could feel his probity. He could feel her heart pumping with cause again. She felt hope because she could feel Issacs determination. She felt like she could do anything with her brother by her side. She thought to herself that maybe that was the way that it was supposed to be, that Gods made it that way. They needed each other to go up against this evil so strong and dark....that it could consume everything that it comes in contact with. " You two need to be very careful of him. He is cunning, conniving, and very calculating in every move that he makes...he is deceitful. That is how he got into the E.Y.E. By being so deceiving that everyone with a charming and false respect when he respects no one. He will try to use your weakness against you so we have to make you two have no weaknesses that he can penetrate.She smiled and when Issac looked into her eyes,he could see the clouds leaving the whites of her eyes, she also seemed more confident Issac observed.He felt relief.He wasnt lying or bluffing he was definitely going to kill the man who took their parents lives.He had to get revenge for taking the only two people that were the most important to them in their entire life. He had to. He could feel his hatred building."You cant use hate Issac, only light and goodness thats the only way that the lampiralla will work." said their grandfather out of nowhere. Noone else realized that he even entered the room.He was a very quiet man to be sure." "You cant let what he did seep into your soul.You have to live your life with the light inside of you. That is the only way you can be free, And the only way you can win." Issa and Issac looked up at him in deep thought, and so confused. They really couldnt understand what he was saying.Did he really expect them to have no animosity towards this person who took their parents lives and left them basically out lost in the world. They had the exact same feeling revenge and animosity. They also wanted to know how he Did he read them? 'I will explain my powers to you." stellan came to sit down in the empty chair left at the table."My gift is a little stronger and dare i say extraordinary than most warlocks. I have the ability to read minds unlike other warlocks no matter what kind of blocks that they use, unless of course its dark magic. I can use mind control as well on regulars as well as witches.But I dont use it on people all the time because that is an invasion of privacy, also I just dont wanna be listening to everyones thoughts all the time. This was a gift given to me through my ancestors, its in our bloodline.My gift is also that I have telekentic powers. But its a healing power.Like..." he paused for a moment and got up to walk a bit and looked at one of Dunias plants that she had on a shelf.He lightly touched the plant and a flower bloomed as well as a new leaf grew in.The twins sat there in amazement. They couldnt believe that he was able to do that.He put his index finger up to his mouth and smiled,then he came back and sat down.
"Noone, but family knows the extent of my gifts.Its a family trait and for generations its been a tell noone okay? I keep my body very healthy because somehow I figured out that is a healing property in itself.So yes,I do know sometimes how you feel,but I would never invade your privacy like that on purpose, or also I would never use mind control on you. That is why the gift chooses the person, you have to be worthy of the gift first. And using my gift to be deceitful to my family and friends, is wrong in every way and live in the light not darkness.But I am sure there is someone out there who has what I have and doesnt use it for good,that scares me. Necromancers are what they are called and Romero is one of them. But I can feel others as well good and bad. Not sigurlarly, but as a whole.I've been working on trying to connect with with some of them seperately.
        Issa and Issac sat there for a moment in shock.They couldnt believe that a person like this existed in the first place, and second that he was even related to them, "You will learn all of our familys powers and it will be surprising everytime." He laughed a little. "I mostly just worked on feelings not thoughts so dont worry, I didnt tap into you guys psyche or something, although I can see thoughts as well.I'd rather not" They were mystified.
"What can we do, I mean besides that lamp thing." Said Isadora. "Well..." their grandfather hesitated and then looked at dunia for reassurance."Hey you broke in here and intruded in my little powwow' now finish what you started gramps!" Dunia joked. He just bowed his head and smiled " Yeah, this is the most ive heard you talk since weve gotten here!" said Isadora. "Welp, I dont usually say anything unless I have something to say and and I believe that my time is up." he said,but when he tried to leave Dunia pushed him right back into his chair "Ooooh no you dont, they asked YOU the question, I'm gonna go and close the register you give your grandkids the answers to thier questions sir talks alot." She laughed at her own joke and walked out of the room.Issa and Issac looked at Stellan with questioning eyes. "You guys are really gifted, but I will not pick through your subconscious to try and tell you what those gifts are, your gonna have to discover these things for yourselves kids. Thats part of your journey that I will not take from you. Its like tellin a kid theres no santa it ruins your childhood.And every kids deserves a childhood." He laughed while Issac and Isadora sat dumbfounded.
finally he raised from the chair and left the room. Issac and Issa felt they learned alot, but still had so much more to learn, and so many questions. "It feels like we are in some type of alternate universe doesnt it? I feel like we were so ignorant before, not knowing anything of this world at all except what mom and dad told us.which wasnt wasnt alot at all seeing as they knew all of this.How do we catch up to all of the witches in this fight that have known their entire lives...Especially that Romeo guy?" "Its Romero Issa, and hell if i know. What we can do is learn what we can and what we are good at to battle this guy so at least we have a fighting chance." They nodded in unison. They knew they had a long rode to go and hopefully they would come out of this mess alive.

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