Clockwork Firefly - Chapter Three

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The younger Walter frowned at his father and the anger in him was evident in the clench of his jaw. He looked toward Rabbit and Spine, knowing what he had to say could not be said in front of them. He motioned his father to follow. Despite the fact they were made of metal they were undoubtedly alive, and despite their lack of awareness of it, they had feelings that might be hurt by watching their family row. He had only a small hope that the elder would do so, but he moved post haste to the small, modified boxcar that his father used as a workshop when they traveled, pacing as best as the cluttered space allowed until the older man stepped in and closed the door.

"Exactly what is wrong with you, Father? She was a perfectly lovely girl, and you have to act like an ass. Is it because she's not like your beloved Delilah? Nobody is, Father. No woman is going to ever match that perfect idol you've created in your head. You only married our mother because you wanted to have flesh and blood sons to inherit when you die."

"That's unfair, Peter. You and your brother are very important to me. I gave you my name in the hopes you would take over Walter Robotics when I am gone, yes, but also because I was proud to have such fine sons." He ran his hand over his face, sighing. "And I know there will never be another girl like Delilah. I didn't mean to offend your friend. I just... I thought she was like the other girls you're always bringing around. Empty headed dolts with pretty faces who are about as useful to the world as a lead canoe. I expect great things out of you, Peter. Look at your brother. He was a Colonel by the time he was twenty..."

He snarled faintly. "Oh yes, that old song. 'Pete brings home straight A's. Pete brings home the prize at the science fair. Pete brings home a medal and a Colonel's rank...' but you know what Pete is never going to bring home, Father?" He stalked toward the door. "A girl!" He'd let that sink in, and when the hints of comprehension appeared on his father's face, he merely nodded. "If there's to be any grandson to take up the reins of Walter Robotics, I'm sorry to disappoint you, yet again, Father, but I'm your only hope." He paused and turned back. "Unless somehow the great inventor finds a way for your other sons to do the job." Pushing out through the door so hard it slammed against he side of the train car, he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and stalked toward the fairgrounds, needing to walk off his anger and hopefully find Mary to offer his apology for his father's behavior.

When Peter left, Colonel Walter sat in his traveling workshop, weighed down by his son's angry words. He didn't blame the boy, how could he? He had been hot-headed, true, but he had also been right about so much. Colonel Walter had seen his own determination and scientific mind manifested more strongly in the younger twin. He'd, perhaps, put less weight on Peter's talents just because they were not like his own. The signs and posters he made for the band were magnificent. Everyone said so. Was there not as much art in the running of Walter Robotics as there was mechanics? He had also to admit that his younger son was, also like himself, a bit too prone to lose himself in his work and let his outside relationships suffer for it. Despite his habit of being a bit of a hound when it came to women, Peter was certainly forthright and loyal when it came to his family and friends. It was to be admired. As he thought on this, he continued his tinkering with a new and more agile hand for The Spine. When a knock came to the door, he assumed Peter had returned to patch up after the row. "Enter."

The bright afternoon sun streamed in around the figure that stepped up into the modified train car, closing the door behind her. For a few seconds, she looked around letting her eyes adjust before fixing him under her gaze. It took him a moment to realize it was the girl that Peter had introduced him to. Mary...something. Likely come looking for Peter. He opened his mouth intending to tell her that Peter was gone but she spoke before he could.

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