Clockwork Firefly - Chapter Twenty-Two

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The door opened, they stalked through the foyer and halls. "Take me to your son." Madam Adjaye spoke to the Colonel, Hatchworth walking beside her, her suitcase swinging faintly between them.

"Hatchworth, find the others and tell them what has transpired." Peter spoke as he took up the suitcase from him, not losing a step. "And Mary." He added quickly as he followed his father down the hall. "Make sure she's alright."

Hatchworth nodded and then departed to find the remainder of the house's inhabitants and convey the information as the Walters and their guest descended into the laboratory where Pete was at work. For hours they remained downstairs, no sound to betray what was going on. Near one in the afternoon, Peter stepped through the door, supporting a dark-skinned woman and guiding her toward the front hall as he spoke to the rest, pacing nervously like fathers outside of a maternity ward. "Everyone's alright. A little worse for wear, but we'll be okay. Give them a few minutes then you can head down. Hatchworth, please call a car for Madame Adjaye, then phone Doctor Marcell and arrange for him to come by as soon as he can."

Settling Madame Adjaye into a chair, he sank down into one nearby and ran his hands through his hair. "We are deeply grateful to you, Madame. I am sorry that it cost you so very much."

The woman nodded, seeming to have aged a decade in the last few days. "They were good boys, strong and I will miss them greatly. They each had wives and children, and I must now go and give my support to them." She gave a shuddery sigh. "They died bravely, and their spirits are at peace, I must be content with that."

"What were their names?" Peter felt guilty that he did not know.

"When I was young, when my father left us for the promise of glory which Becile gave to those he tricked into piloting his great copper elephants, a missionary provided great service to my family. I named my sons for him. Marcus, and Raymond."

Peter could see that such talk was only making her pain worse, and though the silence stretched on, he could think of nothing that was strong enough to express his gratitude, or wise enough to soothe her misery. The car arrived and he stood, taking her case and offering his arm to escort her out.

The car pulled away, and he drug himself back to the house on legs that felt like they were composed of iron. He hurt, and he was tired, but there was still so much to do before he felt he could sit and rest. He walked downstairs once more, the sound of voices rising up to greet him, dragging a small smile to his lips.

Entering the large laboratory, he saw his father and brother, surrounded by the remainder of his family and gave a wan smile of greeting, pulling a crate over and plopping down, too tired to do much more than listen as his father explained what had happened since he left the house. He left out nothing, even though it was quite distressing to some to hear and painful for him to speak so long. He told them of Becile's plans, and why they had to be wary. "The son of Becile..."

"He was already here earlier today." The Spine interjected, drawing everyone's attention. "He attempted to gain entry though Miss Mary was quite determined not to let him set a foot in the door. I stepped in only when it became obvious he wouldn't take no for an answer."

Peter felt a surge of anger and indignation, sick to think that the man who had so brutally hurt his father so easily could have gotten his hands on Mary.

"The Spine, draw his face and then each of you learn it. Send up an alarm if ever you see him again."

"Peter is right." the Colonel continued. "I cannot bear the thought of him getting his hands on any of you. Both because I care for each of you, and because I know his plan is too diabolical to be allowed to come to fruition."

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