Something for my Siseu

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You have had it rough the past couple of months, and you have been working your butt off. I know that cross country has been hard on you. I know your legs are sore and your body is different and I know you are disappointed in the way you raced. I'm not disappointed in you, though. I'm impressed beyond belief, and supremely proud of you.

I love you. I admire you. I think you're smart, witty, strong. I think you deserve the absolute best of everything in the entire world.
You are a writer of rare talent. You have an incredible ability to express an emotion in your prose.

Even if I don't say it enough, you're a cool kid. I know you've gone through tough things in your life, but you try to not let it get the best of you. Instead, you try to use it to help others. You're very generous to the people you care about, and I know that they appreciate it a lot. You're strong and you fight for the things you believe in. You're also very beautiful, both inside and out, both with and without makeup. There are many things about you that are great and that I'm excited to see grow and flourish in the years to come.

No matter what happens or how old you get, just know that I'll be right here for you and I'll always want the best for you. I'll always want to protect you from the people that try to hurt you, and I'll probably always get mad if they do hurt you. But no matter what, you're stuck with me, your oppa😇😇

You are a total knockout. Just as a man feels proud to have a looker in his company, so do I (how cool am I? Yes, I get to hang out with a total beauty each and every day). You have legs for days, hair Rapunzel would envy, and a (totally genuine) mega-watt smile. The best part about you is that you turn heads and never even notice (but I do. And I'm protective. You know this. Warning to the men: if you look at my little sister for too long, I am not responsible for my reaction). You are the kind of beautiful that is rarely attainable because you have a beauty that is all wrapped up in sweet, innocent, wonderful humility.

I'll save your troubles 👼👼👼👼

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