Finally Joining

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"So, MC. What made you consider the literature club?" Honestly, I was afraid of being asked this question but I guess I have to answer it now. But the reality of the situation is that...I really don't know. I mean sure Sayori managed to get me to visit and I did love that cupcake but...

"Well uh..." I say to Monika trying to come up with literally anything. "He joined because he loves poetry! Duh!" Sayori blurted out behind me saving me from that question. "Oh is that so?" Monika looks at Sayori and then back at me.

But that does bring up a good point, I never officially said I would join. "Hold on now, Sayori may have convinced me to stop by for a visit but I never said I would join!" Monika looks at me a little taken back by what I just said.

Monika: "But.."
Sayori: "MC..."
Yuri: "Oh..I'm sorry, I thought..."
Natsuki: "Hmph..."

All four girls look at me with dejected eyes. I'm defenceless against these girls! I could hardly believe they were all so excited for me to join their club, even Natsuki who I thought was the mean one seems really let down.

Ya know what? I've made up my mind.

"You all really wanted me to join that much?" I say to them. They all look away with the same sadness in their eyes "Ok. Then i've decided. I'll join the Literature Club!"

All four girls look back up at me and with excitement in their eyes.

Monika: "You won't regret it MC!"
Sayori: "Yaay!"
Yuri: "What a relief, I thought for second there..."
Natsuki: "If you just came here for the cupcakes and didn't join, I would have been pissed"

Great. So now I'm apart of the Literature Club. I must say I am really curious as to how this will all turn out. But none the less, I guess this all involves me now.

Seriously, how does Sayori get me into situations like this?

Natsuki x Player (Doki Doki Literature Club FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now