Song 1:Dilema 1

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The nice and happy thoughts i felt that night instantly shattered, why? I'll tell you. It was like any other Friday, i got off work early and my friends invited me to go to a fairly popular club.
"I really can't guys I'm busy"

"ughhhh you're so lame" one of my colleagues said with a scowl. "i really cant, sorry" i took off before them and got to my car. Traffic was exceptionally bad that day as i reached the T-junction. Feeling more and more annoyed with this traffic i started honking my car "COME ON, MOVE IT YOU IDIOTS" Just then, i heard a scream, a high pitched scream, one i know all too familiar. I panicked at the thought of who i think it might be, without a second thought i got out of my car and sprinted to the front of the traffic.

I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. I stood there, as my own little brother, no younger than a high schooler, lay there in a pool of his own blood. Just as i came to realize the dire situation i shouted "DONT JUST STAND THERE HELP MY BROTHER SOMEONE PLEASE CALL 911" i pushed through the crowd towards my brother and held him "dont go Jackson, please dont go" i hung my head as i hugged him tighter "you're my only family" just then, i heard the sirens of the ambulance growing louder and louder.

"Sir, i cant let you im the ambulance" one of the nurses told me "BUT IM HIS BROTHER" i replied with a very panicked tone all while showing my identification card "Oh okay get in hurry, he's in a very critical condition, it would take a miracle for him to survive" i got in hastily. On our way to the emergency ward i held my brother's hand, the hospital was only 10 minutes away from where we were. As we got to the hospital, he was instantly dragged towards the surgery room, i held his hands as we were racing against time not wanting to let go my only living family member.

It was already half past midnight, i sat at the waiting area because i cant be in there with him, i buried my head in my hands. As i was worrying, i heard the doctor clearing his throat "Mr. Green? Your brother's condition is worsening, his lungs were punctured, he suffers internal bleeding, he has several cracked and broken ribs but the fact that he still has consciousness is still beyond us" i went towards his ward "Hey Jack" Jackson's eyes opened slowly and through his breathing mask he spoke "hey, ya big doof" after all this he still managed to bear a smile. "what happened"

"nothing much, just—" he stopped for a minute to take a breath "having a punctured lung sucks hehe"

"take a minute if you need to breathe, im going to the canteen" just then i felt his hand grabbing my fingers "please, stay— hug me like that time i caught a cold" i sat beside him putting my arm underneath his head and resting his head on my lap "I love you, as a brother, im sorry"

"for what"

"for.... Leaving you...... Remember me.......... Ya doof"

As he chuckled he took one last breath. The heart monitor continued one last time before one continuous beep echoes through the ward "I.... Love you too bro" i held my brother's lifeless body closer as tears trickle down my face.

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