"Let me sleep here tonight"

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The day you've been waiting for arrived. "Let me sleep here tonight" airing, your favorite show, last episode you watched it was BTS' dorm they featured. But you missed to see EXO's episode the last time, and now they featured CNBlue's dorm. Aira arrived in your apartment on time, "kyaa i thought you'll be late. It's about to start!", Aira make face "sorry Mrs. Kang, i have to find your chocolate drink first before heading here!" You smiled and thanked for finding it for you. You two are now focused on the screen.

(A/N: italics are from the show)
Shinyoung: shhh, i dont know whose in cnblue are awake now but lets knock. *knock on the door*

The door opened and its cnblue's manager who was just woken up obviously. He was surprised, the two MCs (Shindong & Shinyoung) step in to the dorm together with the crew while giving a signal to the manager not to make any sound.

The first room they open is Jonghyun's. When they opened the door, both the MCs and Jonghyun are shocked, Shinyoung said "Omo!" and pretending to cover her eyes, Shindong hurriedly said, "oh annyeong haseyo Jonghyunssi, quickly wear your tshirt, before you get harassed by this noona", Jonghyun wears his shirt while laughing.

SH: oh annyeong haseyo jonghyunssi, are you done with your morning routine?

JH: ah ne noona, im about to wake the others up~

SD: who usually wakes up the latest?

JH: Me! But for some reason I woke up early, maybe my instinct told me were having an invaders

/all laughs/

They all headed to Jungshin's room and wake the tall guy up. When Jungshin doesnt easily waken up by Jonghyun, MC Shinyoung lay down on his bed and hug Jungshin which makes the latter wake up in a shock state and fell of his bed.

They are now heading to Minhyuk's room, Minhyukie's room doesn't have a window. When they entered it's dim. They opened the lights to find a sleeping Minhyuk in prone way, half-naked. Shinyoung 'ssssh' the others and about to sleep next to him just like she did with Jungshin, Shindong on the other side saw something hanging on the wall next to a mirror and pointed the camera to focus on it. Minhyuk yelled, "oh shit!" And fell from his bed that makes everyone laugh. When the maknae realized whats going on, he hurriedly get up and grab a shirt, "aigoo, you should've at least let me dressed properly first", Shindong "is that how you usually sleep, no shirt Minhyukgoon?", "ani hyung, its just hot today so I took it off last night". Shinyoung, "Minhyukgoon, what is the meaning of this? *points at the frame*", Minhyuk look at what the older female is pointing and when he saw it he instantly stand blocking the frame, "ah this is a school fair picture of my wife, we got married in our school fair" Minhyuk calmly stated. Jonghyun, "he bought the frame himself right after he bought that picture~", Shindong, "You bought that picture?", Minhyuk is touching his nape and shyly said "yes, i did", "How much did they sold it to you I'm curious" Shinyoung asked. Minhyuk hesitated to answer at first, but when Shinyoung said "we can wait for your answer here forever", she gestured lying on his bed again, "they actually don't have a price for it. So for the wgm team not to hesitate in selling it to me, i offered them 200,000won", Minhyuk said.

You and Aira were left mouth-opened by what Minhyuk said. But no words coming out and still you two are focused on the screen.

"I was just worried that they might sell it so I offered them a price which they accepted right away. Then later on I found out that they actually thought of selling it in a good cause so I actually did the best thing, i bought it myself". He smiled.

Jonghyun gave a giggling laugh, that makes the maknae felt like a candle melting, "even though that picture has been circulated online, he still bothered buying the original pic" the older male laughed. Shindong thoughtlessly commented, "maybe Minhyuk likes her", which made the maknae smile awkwardly and Jungshin gestures playing a dart game and pretended hitting the bullseye. Shinyoung said "its a nice shot, is the kiss real?", "ah ne, its just a few seconds, but its real", Shindong fires a question, "did you like it?", Minhyuk couldn't hide his embarrassed face, "what? Hyung! We're on national tv. Don't ask me questions like that". Minhyuk was playfully shoving Shindong at the corner, they are both laughing, he was nodding but he doesn't say any words, thats when Shinyoung scream because she saw Yonghwa standing by the door half-awake, maybe awaken of their noise. When Yonghwa saw everyone, and whats going on he hurriedly ran back to his room to fix himself.
~show end~

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