chapter 3

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That night, I don’t dream of creepy deceased boyfriends, instead I dream of wickedly blue eyes as search into my soul, looking for something, anything to get stuck onto.

I wake feeling refreshed, but still groggy. It’s 7am, and as I scamper out of my sticky bedroom to open some windows, I look into Louis’ room. He’s still sleeping, the door barely ajar. I hope he’s not too hot, I really have to get that air conditioner fixed soon, now that it’s not just me.

I carry on with my morning, applying more makeup than I have in the most recent months, and slip my hair into two braids. I look cute, and smile at my reflection. For once, I don’t feel like a dead girl walking.

It’s 8am now, and Louis is still sleeping. Should I wake him? I remember he wanted an early start so he could go job hunting. Go on, just have a little peek.

I quietly tip toe down to his room, but when I look in, he’s not there.

“Looking for someone?” I gasp, and turn quickly. He’s standing behind me in nothing but shorts and that infamous cream beanie.

“Sorry, I um.. I wasn’t spying. How did you get there? ” I want to punch myself. Why did I say that?

“Sure you weren’t. I was out, taking a call” he chuckles smoothly.

My eye finally get a chance to rake down his body. Holy shit is he fit. His abdomen is very muscular, heck, there are muscles there that I didn’t even know existed! I feel his burning glaze on me, but I can’t meet it.

“Did you need anything?” He scratches the back of his head, showing his defined biceps. Mmm.

“Ah, nope. I just wanted to make sure you were awake and ready for your day full of job hunting! How did you sleep?” I feel as if I couldn’t have talked faster if I tried.

“Well thank you, it’s a bit hot though. Do you guys have coolers over here or?”

I’m shocked by his question. I don’t know if he’s being sarcastic or not.

“It’s Australia, Not Narnia” Debateable.

My response causes him to laugh a toothy smile. I flush bright red.

“Well then, I’ll get out of your way” he steps to the side, letting me pass.

“I’m going to school now. I won’t be home until fourish. Make yourself at home.” I yell back to him as I exit the hallway and grab my school bag on the way out the door.

School is surprisingly rowdy for a Monday, and all the year 12’s are ushered into the school hall for our weekly debrief.

I finally spot Chloe, and take a seat next to her. She brightly smiles next to me and I realize I completely forgot to tell her about the important news. Unfortunately our principle, Mr. Mack is already taking to the podium, telling us all to quiet down.

“New roommate. Boy. Cutie.” Is all I whisper in her ear.

When I pull away, she holds a mortified look on her face, then turns it into a small smile. She gives me the ‘I need more information’ look and I simply nod.

The debriefing is such a drag. Reminders of the nearing exams are repeated more than necessary, and by the end of the assembly, everyone looks like their weekend spirit has all been sucked out of them.

Next up is maths, and I feel relieved as this is my best subject. I take my seat next to Luke, a childhood friend.

He has his blond hair swept up into a quiff, I swear that’s all the rage right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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