I'm Not Insane, I Promise

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I'm not insane, am I?

I just fantasize people's deaths

So I could believe they didn't

exist anymore.

So I wouldn't have to see

the ones who hurt me.

The ones who tormented me so much.

I'm not insane, am I?

I just like the way blood tastes.

When it rolls down my arm.

When i can feel the warm,

crimson liquid,

pouring out.

It tastes sweet.

I'm not insane, am I?

My mom says I can't have

sharp things.

Is it because I like to cut 

the people who hurt me?

Because I want to make them feel 

my pain?

I'm still not insane, right?

If you hurt me,

you'd expect me to cry, 

to hurt.

But instead,

I laugh,


Producing the scariest sound 

you've ever heard.

Nope, not insane.

I shake.

I scream.

I cry.

I laugh.

I lose myself. 

Still not insane.

I'm lost.

I'm confused.

I'm frustrated.

I'm stressed.

I'm happy.

I'm lonely.

I'm young.

I'm insane.

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