A pearl in its shell.

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"A women modestly dressed is like a pearl in its shell"

Everything that Almighty Allah has made in this world valuable is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean covered and protected in its beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Down in the mine covered with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get them.

My dear sister, your body is sacred too. You are far more precious then diamonds and pearls and you should be covered too!

Hijab is the crown of a Muslimah, and what's a queen without her crown! Allah says "I want you to be covered and conceal what you have, it is only for me and your husband and those who were made halal for you"

Safiya bint shaiba narrated that Ayesha(r.a) used to say, when the following verse;
"They should draw their veils over their  necks and bossoms" was revealed (the women)cut their waste sheets at the edges and covered their heads and faces with the cut pieces of cloth.

Just the way the sun doesn't loose it's beauty when covered by the clouds, you don't loose your beauty with your hijab. Hijab is a beautiful concept on its own. You are beautiful with it,not just for yourself but in the eyes of the creator, and what can be more pleasing then that?

Covering of the entire body excluding the hands, feet and face has been made Fardh upon a girl once she has reached the age of maturity. Covering of the face(Niqaab) has been made waajib, so it is just as important. It is the command of Allah, how can we go against it?

It may be difficult for some of us, but subhanallah just try it and you will love it inshaAllah. Allah has never put something upon his servant which he cannot handle. With hijab, you feel respected and protected. It is the most beautiful thing. These days we can't differentiate between Muslim women and non Muslim, May Allah guide us all.

There are those out there who cannot manage with hijab, if someone asks them "why aren't you wearing your hijab?" they reply; "it's too hot, it doesn't stay on my head, I sweat too much..." No that is not what you should be saying. To commit a sin is a bad thing yes, but to justify it is ten times worst! Rather reply "May Allah forgive me"

If you are not in hijab, try going into it. Try to improve your dressing slowly slowly, there's always room for improvement. A baby doesn't just start walking, it takes time, it first start crawling then slowly slowly takes steps. Take little steps and InShaAllah your journey will be amazing. Start off by using full covered clothes, then loose fitted clothes and slowly you can take steps and end up in Niqaab too.

Another thing! Being in Niqaab doesn't stop you from anything. If one is determined than anything can be achieved even under the limits of religion, so don't use you Niqaab as an excuse of not getting far in life neither should you use your goals in life as an excuse for not going into Niqaab.

One mistake I've noticed people make sometimes knowingly/unknowingly is when a women starts wearing hijab they automatically developed this thought that she is now perfect? No, it doesn't mean that, because when she does one little mistake then everyone's says, "she might as well just take off her hijab" that is horrible, what are you saying? That she should stop trying? She can't be perfect so she must rather take it off? No!!! This is absolutely discouraging, are you perfect?

Being in Niqaab/hijab may be difficult at times, but it's just shaytaan. Whenever we try to do something good and obey Allah that's when shaytaan creeps in. Don't allow him to! Love your hijab and be proud of it, every time you wear it, remember you are wearing an Ayah of the Quraan. It's may be hot at times and difficult for you to wear it but seriously, you're a fighter, come on you can do this! Remind yourself you are doing it solely for the pleasure of Allah and it will be made so much easier.

Why do we wear Niqaab, for pure intentions? Piety, modesty, Because we see it as Fardh(compulsory), because we want to imitate the wife's of the prophets, because we want more reward from Allah, because we want to strengthen our deen. If we pass away then that's the state we want to meet our lord in.

I remember Niqaab has always been something that I loved, something that has always been so beautiful in my eyes and InShaAllah it will always be. When I first went into Niqaab around the age of 12, there were many difficult situations that I faced, but trust me, it's just shaytaan trying to lead us array and play with our mind. So if you are finding any difficulties wearing Hijaab and Niqaab just stay strong and fight against shaytaan, you don't want to loose to him now when you've come so far already !

Being in Niqaab also is not just the covering, it includes your actions, your behavior, your Akhlaaq(character) etc.

So for those of us who are in Niqaab and Hijaab already,Alhamdullah,keep going ,you can do it and you love it so you will do it. It's an awesome journey!
For those who are trying, you've got a determined mind and nothing can hold you back,InShaAllah you will get there slowly but surely.
And for those of us who haven't started,it's never too late,start now. Know your worth precious diamond!

May Allah forgive us if we have failed to obey him and May he give us all the ability to start dressing modestly and fulfill  his command as well as the tawfeeq to stay in it. Aameen

Next chapter coming soon, InShaAllah.

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